This is a test case for the accuracy of the time integration scheme implemented in representing the propagation of an undamped sine wave in a rectangular channel.
- Taylor, C and Davis, J (1975). "Tidal and Long Wave Propagation", Elsevier, pp 111.
- Cuboid flume 60 m (length), 15 m (width) and 9.81 m (depth)
- Open at one end, enclosed on all others
- "Free-slip" velocity condition is assumed on all internal walls

Initial Conditions
Boundary Conditions
- h = (1.0)Sin(t) ; where h is water surface displacement and t is time
- Taylor and Davis 1975 reports the analytic solution as:
- h = (1.0)Sin(t - x/9.81) ; where x is the longitudinal distance from the open boundary
- Analytic versus model water surface elevation results at X=30 m and Y = 15 m

- Error between analytic and model results at X=30 m and Y = 15 m