Internship Opportunities

There are a variety of programs that offer internship opportunities with the ERDC



AEOP –  Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP) – High School Level– (HS Sophomores - Seniors) The Science and Engineering Apprentice Program (SEAP), sponsored by the American Society of Engineer Education (ASEE) and the Department of Defense, is an eight week summer program for high school students. SEAP is designed so that students can apprentice in fields of their choice with experienced scientists and engineers.



Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – Internship Program – (Undergraduates) The DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program provides a 10-week summer research experience for undergraduate students majoring in homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. Students will have the opportunity to conduct research in DHS mission-relevant areas at federal research facilities located across the country.  Participants receive a stipend of $500 each week plus transportation expenses to/from their internship location.

Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Engineering (ORISE) - (Undergraduate, MS, PhD): The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and more than a dozen other federal agencies rely on the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) to help meet future needs in critical science and technology areas through the recruitment and training of our nation’s next generation of scientists and engineers.  To meet these pressing demands, ORISE assesses current science and technology labor needs and then designs and implements programs that meet the unique goals of each agency.  Research participants are recruited nationally, including special outreach to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority-Serving Education Institutions.

National Science Foundation (NSF) Mathematical Sciences Graduate Internship (MSGI) – (PhD Only) The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) manages this program. This is a ten week program that is open to full-time graduate students (PhD). This program is for mathematical sciences as follows: Algebra and Number Theory, Analysis, Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics, Computational Mathematics, Foundations, Geometric Analysis, Mathematical Biology, Probability, Statistics, Topology.

College Qualified Leaders (CQL) – (Undergraduate): CQL offers undergraduates and graduate students the opportunity for research internships in DoD labs. Internships are available year round and during the summer. The CQL students will do research with a mentor, but, at many labs, they also serve as mentors/advisors to some of the high school SEAP students. They may also be involved in the GEMS program as near-peer mentors and some take on leadership roles in developing and teaching the GEMS students.

Women In Science Program (WISP) (Pre-college, Undergraduate): WISP’s mission at Dartmouth College is to collaborate in creating a learning environment where women can thrive in science, engineering and mathematics.