The main Federal effort along Graveyard Road was Ewing’s Approach, directed against Stockade Redan and named in honor of Brig. Gen. Hugh Ewing, a brigade commander who was... Article
As siege operations began, Capt. Frederick Prime, the Army of the Tennessee’s chief engineer, had his concerns. Besides himself, Lt. Peter C. Haines, chief engineer of McClernand’s XIII Corps... Article
As siege operations began, Capt. Frederick Prime, the Army of the Tennessee’s chief engineer, had his concerns. Besides himself, Lt. Peter C. Haines, chief engineer of McClernand’s XIII Corps... Article
As Capt. Andrew Hickenlooper, chief engineer of the Union XVII Corps, directed his miners in drifting another gallery under what remained of the Third Louisiana Redan... Article
The sounds of pick and shovel coming from underground were maddening to the Confederate soldiers who manned in Third Louisiana Redan. For weeks the men had watched almost helplessly... Article
From late May, through June, and into July, Union sappers labored on the various approaches that slowly extended toward the Confederate defenses. “Every man in the investing line became an Army engineer...” Article
The truce May 25 that enabled the Union dead and wounded to be removed from the field also provided engineers of both armies an opportunity to more closely examine the terrain in their fronts. Article
The truce May 25 that enabled the Union dead and wounded to be removed from the field also provided engineers of both armies an opportunity to more closely examine the terrain in their fronts. Article
On the afternoon of May 18, 1863, as the setting sun cast lurid shadows over the fields, there was a flurry of activity to the front and the sound of musketry heralded the arrival of the Union army... Article
Dense columns of black smoke rose to the sky May 17, 1863, as flames engulfed the bridges across Big Black River. The forethought of Maj. Samuel Lockett, the army’s chief engineer, had saved... Article
As the rugged soldiers of the Union Army of the Tennessee battled their way from Port Gibson to Jackson, then westward over Champion Hill to the Big Black River Bridge, engineers in blue helped... Article
Looking to cross his army at Rodney, Grant was informed that there was a good road ascending the bluffs east of Bruinsburg, midway between Grand Gulf and Rodney. Equally important... Article
The Union gunboats of the Mississippi Squadron pulled away from Hard Times Landing and steamed into action at 7 a.m. April 29, 1863. These gunboats... Article
The massive movement of men and material by Maj. Gen Ulysses S. Grant had been discovered by roving Confederate cavalry led by... Article
Capt. William F. Patterson’s Kentucky Company of Engineers and Mechanics completed a bridge over Roundaway Bayou on the morning of April 2, 1863... Article
On March 29, 1863, Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant ordered Maj. Gen. John A. McClernand, commander of the XIII Corps of the Army of the Tennessee, to open a road... Article
One final “experiment” was initiated by the Federals in March 1863 that was primarily a naval operation. Known as the Steele’s Bayou Expedition... Article
As Capt. Fred Prime directed work on Grant’s Canal, opposite Vicksburg, the Union commander investigated other routes... Article
Due to Sherman’s defeat at Chickasaw Bayou, as well as his own misfortune in north Mississippi, Grant boldly abandoned conventional lines... Article
News of Grant’s defeat spread as wildfire throughout Vicksburg and was greeted with greater excitement than was President Davis, who had arrived... Article
As Vicksburg’s citizens held a day of “Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer to Almighty God that Vicksburg may be spared from the Hand of the Destroyer,”... Article
The soldiers of the Vicksburg garrison and thousands of slaves pressed into service from local plantations labored on the rear line of defense... Article
The naval siege of Vicksburg ended in Union failure. It was then realized by both Union and Confederate authorities... Article
During the summer of 1862, as the Union fleet maintained an intermittent and ineffective bombardment of the Confederate batteries at Vicksburg... Article
The post commander at Vicksburg was Lt. Col. James L. Autry. Although a Tennessee native, he was raised in Holly Springs, Mississippi, and had practiced law... Article
Early in 1862, Union land and naval forces moved with a vengeance from two directions in a massive converging attack to wrestle control of the lower Mississippi... Article
...the river was then, as it remains to this date, the single most important economic feature of the continent—the very lifeblood of America... Article