- Choi et. al; "A Spectral Finite Volume Model for Shallow Water Equations". Journal of the American Meteorological Society , July 2004, 1777-1791.
- rectangular flume
- 40 m length
- 30 m width
- 8.6 deg angle with the horizontal at x=10 m on the bottom edge
Initial Conditions
Boundary Conditions
- 8.57 m/s x-velocity, 0 m/s y-velocity at inflow (left)
- Froude number = 2.74 at inflow (left)
- supercritical outflow (right)
Run Files
The mesh (*.3dm), boundary condition (*.bc), and hotstart (*.hot) file can be downloaded from
- 2D-convergent_wall.3dm
- 2D-convergent_wall.bc
- Model run to steady state
- Hydraulic jump forms at bottom edge transition point along a 30 deg angle
- Analytic Results give:
- downstream depth = 1.5 m
- downstream Froude number = 2.075
- jump angle is 30 deg with x-direction