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ERDC Public Affairs
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199 


Support our Installations

ERDC provides cutting edge solutions for Army installations, training ranges, and contingency basing, particularly in the areas of environmental sustainability and energy security. Our approach is to advance and exploit science and technology to maximize the long-term contributions of the built and natural environments to the Army’s readiness and operational success. Solutions focus on highly sustainable and cost-effective approaches for the life-cycle management of military lands, ranges, and infrastructure.

Our technologies enhance warfighter training experience, reduce training land restrictions, improve Soldier safety, provide for efficient use of limited resources such as energy and water, and facilitate sustainability planning with local and regional communities. We collaborate with other Department of Defense and federal agencies, academia and industry to speed the fielding and transfer of new products.

For a historical look at US Army engineers' involvement in installation construction, see this video of the construction of Camp Century.

Installations News

ERDC Unveils Strategic Vision and Cutting-Edge Projects for Infrastructure Enhancement and Sustainability
5/28/2024 UPDATED
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is at the forefront of enhancing operations, infrastructure and installation maintenance, driven by a strategic vision that balances...
ERDC research aims to model, combat respiratory infections
A cross-laboratory team of U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) researchers has launched a new project that seeks to revolutionize the way military bases prepare for and combat...

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