Focus Area Objective
To minimize the impacts of cultural resources (i.e. historic buildings, structures, and cultural landscapes) on training activities and garrison facilities by developing and implementing cost effective technologies and business practices while complying with all applicable laws and regulations that meet Federal preservation standards. The ERDC-CERL CRM team offers technical excellence and assistance for the treatment and management of historic structures and landscapes.
The ERDC-CERL CRM team can provide all compliance procedures and documents necessary to support DoD installations and other Federal agencies in meeting the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966, from the initial inventory and evaluation surveys to maintenance and management guides for historic cultural resources. We have done work to include but not limited to archival research, field work, and photography to research and document the built environment of DoD installations.
- Inventories and evaluations of buildings and structures
- NRHP Section 110 Surveys
- NRPH Section 106 Compliance
- NRHP Nominations
- Land Use Studies
- Historic Landscape Management Plans
- Historic Landscape Inventory and Evaluation
- Historic District Reevaluation
- Cultural Landscape Reports
- Character-Defining Features Studies
- Maintenance and Repair Manuals
- Preservation and Rehabilitation Treatment Guidelines
- Historic Contexts (local to national)
- Historic Map and Drawing Documentation Interpretations
- Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plans (ICRMPs)
- Cultural Resource Information Outreach Publications
- Historic American Building Surveys/Historic American Engineering Records
Recent Projects
- Arlington National Cemetery National Register Nomination: A complete inventory and evaluation of resources incorporated into a “wall-to-wall” NRHP nomination
- United States Merchant Marines Academy Historic District Property Maintenance and Repair Manual
- Vietnam Ground Combat: Identification of types of buildings and structures built for CONUS ground combat training during the Vietnam War, with historic context and character-defining features
- The Architecture of the Department of Defense, A Military Style Guide: A booklet published by ERDC-CERL, is fully illustrated with color photos of various architectural styles used from 1700 to present
Contact:, 217-373-5858
Land and Heritage Conservation Branch
Construction Engineering Research Laboratory | U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center