Have you ever wondered what ERDC does and why it matters? We've got just the radio show for you!
Beyond the Gates radio show provides an up-close peek at world-class research with real-world applications. Annette Kirklin, the show's host, speaks with ERDC researchers about how their work affects communities. Season 5 begins April 3, 2025. The theme for Season 5 will focus on "Leading with Innovation" and interview visionary leaders and innovators at ERDC who are setting the course for future advancements in innovations that make a difference in our world.
Listen live online or tune in to 107.7FM every Thursday at 8:15 and 9:10 a.m. CT, listen to recorded episodes, and learn more about the show.
List of radio shows and links to the audio:
SEASON 5 begins April 3, 2025
Season 4:
- Episode 1: Research to Reality - Interviewees: Jenny Jabour, technology transfer officer, ERDC Office of Research and Technology Transfer (ORTT) and Janice Karcher, ERDCWERX deputy director
- Episode 2: From Sandbox to Solutions: ERDC's AI Journey - Interviewees: Dr. Haley Dozier, computer scientist with ERDC's Information Technology Laboratory (ITL), and Jacquelyn Henderson, USACE Headquarters senior construction engineer
- Episode 3: Riding the Waves of Research: A Decade of Coastal Collaboration - Interviewees: Jessie Straub, research oceanographer, Mary Cialone, research hydraulic engineer with the ERDC's Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) and Dr. Nicole Elko, executive director of the American Shore and Beach Preservation
- Episode 4: Engineering Excellence: Protecting Army Transportation Infrastructure - Interviewees: Gerardo Velazquez, Rodney Gonzalez and Trey Smith, research civil engineers with the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 5: Solving Arctic Cloud Mysteries - Interviewees: Dr. Chris Polashenski, ERDC research geophysicist; Roy Hessner, ERDC engineer technician; Tricia Nelsen, ERDC research scientist with the Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) and Nathan Kurtz, NASA's Chief of the Cryospheric Sciences Laboratory
- Episode 6: Turning the Tide: Collaborative Innovations in Red Tide Mitigation - Interviewees: Dr. Alan Kennedy, research biologist, and Dr. Chris Cummings, research social scientist with ERDC's Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 7: Smarter Bots, Safer Dams- Interviewee: Taylor Rycroft, research environmental engineer with ERDC's Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 8: Bridging Innovation and Leadership - Interviewee: Dr. David W. Pittman, Director of the U.S. Army Engineer and Development Center (ERDC)
- Episode 9: ERDC lights the way - Interviewees: Emily Andrews and Sarah Soverns, ERDC protocol specialists with the office of Protocol, Visitors and Events (PVE) and Bill Mounger with the Storehouse Community Food Pantry
Season THREE, Part II:
- Episode 1: Cold Case - The Permafrost Puzzle - Interviewee: Amanda Barker, Research Chemist with the Cold Regions Research Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- Episode 2: Navigating the Future - ERDC's Digital Buoy System - Interviewee: Alex LY, Electrical Engineer/Computer Scientist with the Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL)
- Episode 3: Navigating the Future - Exploring ERDC's footprint in the field - Interviewee: Col. Christian Patterson, ERDC Commander (IOC)
- Episode 4: Concrete Innovations-ARCTEC and Cold Weather Construction - Interviewee: Danielle Kennedy, Research Civil Engineer with the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- Episode 5: Sparking the electric secrets of soil - Interviewee: Robert (RJ) Jones, Research Microbiologist with the Cold Regions Research Laboratory (CRREL)
Episode 6: The R&D Shop: Makers and Shapers of ERDC's Research - Interviewees: Hayden Skipper (model maker), Chris Ables (tool maker supervisor), Tim Hynum (welding shop supervisor), Zach Smith (program manager of R&D fabrication group) at the Research and Development shop with the Installation Operations Command (IOC)
Season THREE, Part I:
- Episode 1: Waterways to ERDC-a United Approach - Interviewees: Dr. Paul Mlaker, (Retired) Research Scientist and Dr. William (Bill) Marcuson, (Retired) Geotechnical Engineer
- Episode 2: A New Era of Wetland Delineation and Permitting - Interviewee: Kyle Gordon, Research Botanist with the Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 3: H2Rescue: ERDC's novel approach to disaster relief - Interviewee: Nicholas "Nick" Josefik, Industrial Engineer with the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
- Episode 4: One-of-A-Kind Blast Technology at ERDC - Interviewee: Dr. Carol Johnson, Research Civil Engineer with the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 5: Painting a Brighter Future: The ERDC CERL Paint Technology Center - Interviewee: Drew Miller, R&D Engineering Technician with the Paint Technology Center of Expertise at the Construction Engineer Research Laboratory (CERL)
- Episode 6: The Good, The Bad, and the Bugly: Bugs and Invasive Plant Management - Interviewee: Ian Knight, Entomologist with the Aquatic Ecology and Invasive Species Branch in the Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 7: Spinning Science: Inside the ERDC Centrifuge - Dr. April Bowman, Research Civil Engineer with the Geotechnical and Structure Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 8: Ice Breaker: Solving the Problem of Ice Adhesion - Dr. Emily Asenath-Smith, Research Materials Engineer with the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- Episode 9: The Power of ERDC Supercomputing - Dr. Ben Parsons, ERDC DoD Supercomputing Resource Center (DSRC) Director with the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
- Episode 10: ERDC Connects to the Community - Sara Robinson, ERDC Protocol, Visitors and Events (PVE) Chief and Shelby Purvis, Protocol Specialist
- Special Edition Episode: Hero and HPC-ERDC Supercomputer honors Kyle Carpenter - Kyle Carpenter-Retired Marine Corporal and youngest living Medal of Honor recipient
Season TWO:
- Episode 1: The Largest Physical Hydraulics Model Ever Built - Interviewee: Terry Winschel, ERDC Historian
- Episode 2: The importance of the ERDC Asphalt Materials Lab - Interviewees: Dr. Sadie Casillas and Dr. Ben Cox Research, Civil Engineers - Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 3: The value of the Army's System Master Planner (SMPL) - Interviewee: Dr. Matthew Swanson, Materials Engineers - Constructional Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL)
- Episode 4: Flexing the facts about Mussels - Interviewee: Dr. Todd Slack, Fisheries Biologist - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 5: Minimizing dredging impacts on Surgeon and Sea Turtles - Interviewee: Dr. Matthew Balazik, Research Ecologist - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 6: Wildlife work in support of civil works and the military - Interviewee: Dr. Richard Fischer, Research Wildlife Biologist - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 7: Sands through time, how the best beach research has evolved in Duck, NC - Interviewee: Dr. Kate Brodie, Senior Research Oceanographer - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 8: Diving into aquatic research - Interviewee: Dr. Audrey Harrison, Research Entomologist - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 9: The ERDC STEM Program - Inspiring the future - Interviewee: Tracy Gordon, Integration and STEM Outreach Coordinator - Directorate of Human Capital
- Episode 10: Flooding effects on trees - Interviewee: Dr. Nathan Beane, Research Forester - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 11: Tangling with aquatic invasive species - Interviewee: Alan Katzenmeyer, Chief, Aquatic Ecology and Invasive Species Branch - Environmental Laboratory (EL)
- Episode 12: Smile, it's all on CorpsCam - Interviewees: Dr. Brittany Bruder and Nick Spore, Coastal Research Engineers - Costal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) Field Research Facility in Duck, NC
- Episode 13: Chasing Planes and Trains - Interviewees: Jeremy Beasley (GEO Information Specialist) and Jeb Tingle (Senior Research Civil Engineer and Program Manager) - Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 14: Computing on the Edge - Interviewee: Jordan Klein, Research Computer Engineer - Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
- Episode 15: Engineering Solutions through Advanced Materials - Interviewee: Dr. Robert Moser, Senior Research Civil Engineer - Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
Season ONE:
- Episode 1: UAS role in the community and region - Interviewee: Jenny Laird- ERDC UAS PM and ATPM - EL UAS Lead ERDC’s - Environmental Lab (EL)
- Episode 2: Are beaches really running out of sand? What can we do about it? - Interviewee: Dr. Jarrell Smith, Research Civil Engineer - Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 3: “One Ring to Rule them All” - Interviewee: Dr. Chris Griggs, Senior Research Physical Scientist - Environmental Lab (EL)
- Episode 4: The storms are coming and CSTORM Technology can tell you more! - Interviewee: Dr. Chris Massey, Research Mathematician - Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 5: SandSnap: a fun way for everyone to be involved in research - Interviewee: Dr. Brian McFall, Research Civil Engineer - Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 6: DamBot: Robotic innovation to assess dams - Interviewee: Dr. Anton Netchaev, Research Computer Scientist – Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
- Episode 7: Wildfire effects on flood risk management and the ecosystem - Interviewee: Dr. Ian Floyd, Research Physical Scientist - Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 8: Controlling the Spread of Invasive Carp - Interviewee: Dr. Jack Kilgore, Research Fishery Biologist - Environmental Lab (EL)
- Episode 9: Engineering With Nature (EWN) and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for a better and more resilient world - Interviewee: Dr. Amanda Tritinger, Research Hydraulics Engineer - Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 10: How the metaverse is becoming reality for engineer inspections - Interviewee: Johnathan Boone, Research Civil Engineer – Information Technology Laboratory (ITL)
- Episode 11: A Conversation with the Chief - Interviewee: LTG Scott A. Spellmon – 55th Chief of Engineers and commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Episode 12: Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO) – Where Science and Decision Support Needs - Interviewee: Elissa Yeates, Research Hydraulics Engineer - Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 13: Recruiting for ERDC – Seeking the Exceptional - Interviewee: Dr. Toni Lowe, Talent Acquisition Manager - Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 14: Leveraging DoD Technologies for repairing that pothole on the way to your house - Interviewee: Will Carruth, Research Civil Engineer - Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 15: The Power of ERDC - Interviewee: Mary Margaret Edney – Chief, ERDC Public Affairs
- Episode 16: Ship Simulators - virtual vessels in a virtual world - Interviewee: Dr. Keith Martin, Research Physicist - Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL)
- Episode 17: What is water resilience and why is it important? - Interviewee: Dr. Edith Martinez-Guerra, Research Environmental Engineer - Environmental Lab (EL)
- Episode 18: Large-scale testing on the Structural Strong Floor - Interviewee: Bryan Casillas, Research Civil Engineer - Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL)
- Episode 19: Making a Difference: ERDC expert serves on DOD Climate Action Team - Interviewee: Samantha Cook, Research Physical Scientist - Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
- Episode 20: The power of partnering with ERDC - Interviewee: Dr. David Pittman, Director of ERDC