• September

    ERDC Chairs Regional Sediment Management and Engineering with Nature Workshop

    ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory’s Linda Lillycrop (CHL) and Environmental Laboratory’s (EL) Dr. Todd Bridges chaired the recent Regional Sediment Management (RSM) and Engineering with Nature (EWN) workshop in Portland, Ore.
  • CRREL hosts Navy Task Force Climate Change visit

    ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) recently hosted a visit of the newly appointed deputy director of the U.S. Navy’s Task Force Climate Change (TFCC), Capt. Joseph Brenner, and the arctic affairs officer, Cmdr. Angela Walker.
  • New Issue – Critical Technologies in Shock and Vibration

    ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) provided leadership to the recent publication of The Shock and Vibration Information Analysis Center (SAVIAC), Volume 7, Issue 2 of the Critical Technologies in Shock and Vibration journal.
  • TEC Researchers Earn Army R&D Achievement Award

    ContactPublic Affairs Office601-634-3188ALEXANDRIA, Va. -- ERDC Topographic Engineering Center’s
  • ERDC Researcher Chairs NATO Advanced Research Workshop

    ContactPublic Affairs Office601-634-3188HELLA Iceland -- An ERDC Environmental Laboratory (EL)
  • ERDC Helps Memphis District Redesign Birds Point-New Madrid Floodway Activation System

    In the spring of 2011, the mighty Mississippi put on a show that no one ever wanted to see. As the river rose to historic levels, civilian safety became the number one concern for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
  • CRREL Scientist Recognized at Levee Safety Community of Practice Meeting

    ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Scientist Bryan Baker was recently recognized at a levee safety community of practice meeting in Southbridge, Mass.
  • Paper on Reactive Porcelain Enamel Coating Research Accepted by Journal

    Researchers with ERDC’s Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) and Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) were recently notified that their paper on reactive porcelain enamel coating had been accepted for the Journal of Construction and Building Materials.
  • ERDC’s 2012 USACE Innovation of the Year Winner – MICA Expands its focus

    Sept. 13, 2012ContactPublic Affairs Office601-634-3188DETROIT, Mich. -- The U.S. Army Corps of
  • TEC’s Technology Aides Boy Scouts at Merit Badge Camp

    Each summer, Boy Scout troops in the Tri-State Area Council of the Boys Scouts converge on a camp site in Thurmont, Md.
  • EL Fish Biologists Assist Mississippi River Museums

    ERDC Environmental Laboratory (EL) biologists recently assisted Vicksburg District personnel by providing guidance and specimens for a live-fish exhibit at the new Lower Mississippi River Museum and Riverfront Interpretative Site in downtown Vicksburg.
  • CERL Assists Fort Bragg’s Orbit Comet Water Security Exercise

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s (CERL) Dr. Mark Ginsberg and U.S. Army Public Health Command’s Dr. Steven Richards, at CERL to provide technical support, recently received certificates of appreciation for their participation and support during Fort Bragg’s full-scale water security exercise, Orbit Comet.
  • ERDC Sponsors STEM Teacher Workshops

    Several ERDC sites recently sponsored STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) teacher workshops for middle school and high school teachers using Material World Modules (MWM) kits.
  • ERDC’s Advanced Materials Initiative Produces 2nd Generation Super Fiber Design

    ERDC Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) Researchers Drs. Charles Cornwell and Charles “Bob” Welch’s work on carbon nanotube bundles was recently featured in the July 25th issue of the Molecular Simulations journal.
  • TEC Tests Mast-Mounted LiDAR for Deployable Force Protection at MSCoE/CBITEC Forward Operating Base

    A series of experiments were conducted in collaboration with the Maneuver Support Center of Excellence (MSCoE formerly MANSCEN) and the Contingency Base Integration Technology Evaluation Center (CBITEC) to test the capabilities of mast mounted LiDAR for Persistent Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Surveillance (P-ISR).
  • ESB’s Punt Upgrades CRREL’s Cool Robot

    ERDC-Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Electronics Engineer Doug Punt poses with the Cool Robot, one of two robots that have spent time in Greenland and the Antarctic detecting crevasses and conducting remote sampling and research.
  • Palmer-Moloney Sees deployment as a Benefit to ERDC

    In describing her deployment to Afghanistan, ERDC-Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) Senior Research Geographer Dr. Laura Jean Palmer-Moloney said, “It was the only way that I could work in the Helmand River watershed to extend the research being performed with the Civilian-Military Operations/Human-Environment Interaction (CMO-HEI).”
  • CRREL Blows Snow for Deere

    The well-known and long-time farm tractor manufacturer John Deere is looking at making some changes to one of its product lines and is performing research at ERDC-CRREL.
  • August

    ERDC Participates in Joint Logistics Exercise

    Dr. Jimmy Fowler from CHL and Dr. Joseph Padula from GSL recently traveled to the U.S. Army Joint Expeditionary Base, Fort Story, Va., to participate in the Joint Logistics Over the Shore 2012, an annual joint exercise sponsored by the U.S. Transportation Command.
  • CERL Researcher Garners First Place AEESP Award

    ERDC Construction Research Laboratory (CERL) Physicist/Environmental Engineer Andrew Nelson was recently notified that his master’s thesis, "Bench-Scale Evaluation of an Energy Efficient Acoustic Aerosol Purification Device with a Newly Designed Bioaerosol Testing and Evaluation Chamber," was selected for the first-place award from the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP).