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PUBLICATION NOTICE: Design considerations for beneficial use sites along the Channel to Victoria, Calhoun County, Texas

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published April 20, 2020



Report Number: ERDC/TN RSM-20-2

Title: Design Considerations for Beneficial Use Sites along the Channel to Victoria, Calhoun County, Texas

By Paul Hamilton, Lihwa Lin, Steve Howard, Ashton Burgin, and Brandon Crawford

Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited.

February 2020


Purpose: This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Sediment Management

(RSM) investigation considered implementation of new or historically underutilized beneficial use

(BU) sites for the Channel to Victoria (CTV) in Calhoun County, Texas. The utilization of alternative  placement areas is justified on two main grounds: (1) there is cost savings associated with the shorter pump distance compared to the existing upland confined placement areas and (2) shoaling reduction relative to a without project condition. Additional benefits realized by utilizing the proposed sites include (1) increased safety for vessels navigating CTV due to the reduction/elimination of open fetch and currents, (2) additional placement options available in times of emergency dredging, and (3) increased bird habitat, particularly for the endangered whooping crane. These sites have received National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) clearance in previous project documents, and it is anticipated minimal or no additional NEPA coordination will be required to construct/restore these sites.

15 pages / 1.7 Mb

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Release no. 20-039