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Archive: 2024
  • Smart Sensors to Reduce Installation Solid Waste

    Abstract: Sensors were deployed by the research team in interior waste bins at Army installation buildings to collect data on waste generation at the source. The sensors were designed to provide granular data on waste generation that stakeholders can use to make informed decisions about solid waste man-agement. Each sensor costs about $300 to fabricate, but bulk fabrication may bring costs down. Sensors were deployed at dining facilities, offices, and barracks, which typically had higher waste volumes. Dining facilities were deemed to be the most useful application because at the other build-ings, waste management either varies significantly or much of the waste is carried out directly to exterior waste bins. This technology shows promise but could be improved in areas such as sensor fit, sensor robustness, battery life, data storage, and clock accuracy. The highest return on investment would be found in areas with high costs for waste hauling and landfills. In areas with low waste management costs, this technology may not result in costs savings.
  • Upper Mississippi River Main Channel Sediment Placement: Purpose, Practice, Effects, and Recommendations

    Abstract: Dredged-sediment management in the Upper Mississippi River and Illinois Waterway is constrained by environmental factors and regulations that limit where sediment can be placed. Regulations regarding in-water sediment placement are not consistent among states. In-water placement should be promoted because it keeps sediment in the system and reduces costs for managing sediment dredged from the river. Studies investigating the environmental effects of in-water placement generally conclude that sand-on-sand placement has minimal effect on aquatic resources in the dynamic riverine environment. This report discusses in-water sediment management techniques, including flow- and sediment-regulating structures (i.e., dikes and wing dams) and a bed-load sediment collector by-pass system.
  • The Effects of Physical Form, Moisture, Humic Acids, and Mixtures on the Photolysis of Insensitive Munitions Compounds

    Abstract: The explosive formulations IMX-101 and IMX-104 are replacing conventional explosives in munitions, making them safer to transport and handle. However, munitions manufacturing and military training can lead to the environmental release of constituent insensitive munitions compounds. These IMCs absorb ultraviolet light and transform photochemically into products with potentially greater toxicity. This study explores the effects of physical form, moisture, humic acids, and compound mixtures on the photolysis of solid and dissolved IMCs under UV-A and UV-B light. Irradiation of dry vs. moist solid IMC crystals yielded few measured products, and while photolysis rates were not significantly different, they were orders of magnitude slower than for aqueous IMCs. There was no significant difference in photolysis rates for aqueous IMCs irradiated with 0, 0.4, and 4 mg L-1 humic acids, but 40 and 400 mg L-1 humic acids inhibited NTO and enhanced NQ photolysis. Although organic and inorganic products were detected in the mixtures, an average of 15–35 % of the theoretical starting IMC masses was not accounted for. Overall, aqueous IMCs transformed 4–48 times faster than the solid IMCs, but the environmentally-relevant conditions tested were found to play a minor role in IMC photolysis.
  • Full-Scale Demonstration of the Modernized Bridge Supplemental Set

    Abstract: The Overhead Cable System (OCS) serves as the main anchorage system of the Bridge Supplemental Set and is used to hold the Improved Ribbon Bridge (IRB) against river flow. Several improvements have been made to OCS components and employment procedures, theoretically allowing the OCS to operate safely within most environments. However, the modernized OCS had yet to be constructed over an actual river, making it necessary to conduct a full-scale capability demonstration. Range W2 of Camp Ripley was selected as the test site because the 200th Multi-Role Bridge Company agreed to support the demonstration during an ongoing training cycle. A site reconnaissance trip revealed environmental obstacles on each bank, which made the site a unique test for the modernized OCS. The OCS model, a software package developed to analyze the loading imposed by river drag force on the OCS, was used to design a unique layout that circumvents Camp Ripley’s environmental challenges. The OCS was successfully deployed over Camp Ripley’s wet gap flowing at a river speed of 3.5 ft/s, and the IRB supported vehicular traffic for 3 hr before safe disassembly. Several lessons were learned regarding system deployment, and data were collected to facilitate technical manual development.
  • Temperature-Insensitive, High-Density Lithium-Ion Batteries

    Abstract: Lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries are a preferred energy storage solution for their generation capacity and power density; however, their chemical in-stability at high temperature raises major concerns relating to their safety, reliability, and lifespan. Over time, natural temperature cycling of Li-ion batteries degrades the depth of discharge and degree of charge that can be achieved, limiting the cell performance and storage capacity as the micro-structure of the anode and cathode interfaces are altered. To ensure safe, continuous, and high-performance Li-ion batteries, improvements are needed to counteract the degradation of their electrochemically active and inactive chemical components. Using solid-state alternatives to Li-ion components, high performance may be maintained while improving the stability of the ion during charging. The synthesis, characterization, the-ory, simulation, and fabrication of dense high-voltage cathodes, solid elec-trolytes, and metal anodes are detailed in this report to establish the underpinning science and technology required to improve the stability of Li-ion batteries.
  • USACE Interference Management Standard v1.0

    Abstract: The Interference Management Standard (IMS) is a comprehensive framework designed to streamline the coordination of design, construction, and operation and maintenance models. The IMS provides clear guidelines, defined goals, and objectives to ensure effective interference management. The process encompasses several stages: authoring and compiling models, clash detection, clash analysis, conflict resolution, report compilation, and deliverables submission. By implementing the IMS, users can expect im-proved efficiency and accuracy in model coordination, leading to enhanced project outcomes.
  • Restoration Monitoring Metric Framework: Integrating Innovative Remote-Sensing Technologies: Comparisons between Field and Remotely Sensed Vegetation Surveys of Restored Forested and Grassland Sites in Ohio

    Abstract: Restoration monitoring is generally perceived as costly and time-consuming, yet the concept of universal restoration monitoring metrics is trending for evaluation of restoration performance across spatial scales, project boundaries, and jurisdictions. Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration (NRDAR) practitioners seek to restore natural resources injured by oil spills or hazardous substance releases into the environment. Therefore, a multiagency team [US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), US Department of the Interior (DOI), and US Department of Energy (DOE)] developed and field-tested a multitiered monitoring framework, illustrating a range of field and remote-sensing techniques and methodologies. The restoration monitoring framework and field demonstration offer a unique methodology to acquire and evaluate simultaneously collected, multiscale/multiplatform data. The result of this research provides new insights to (1) assist planning, implementing, and monitoring restoration progress and effectiveness; and (2) apply common monitoring methods, endpoints, and metrics to other types of ecosystem restoration initiatives. Although the aim was to inform monitoring and management of areas that had been injured, these methods could also be used to inform restoration monitoring practices in a broader context, benefiting environmental stewardship missions of all project partners.
  • Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) Version 4.7.1 Sediment Transport User’s Manual: A 2D Modeling System Developed by the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory

    Abstract: Guidelines are presented for using the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH) modeling software to model 2D shallow water problems with sediment transport (i.e., AdH linked to the Sediment Transport Library [SEDLIB]). This manual describes the inputs necessary to use the SEDLIB sediment transport library from within AdH, to perform coupled hydrodynamic, sediment, and morphological computations. The SEDLIB sediment transport library is intended to be of general use and, as such, examples are given for basic sediment transport of cohesive, noncohesive, and mixed suspended sediment loads and bedload.
  • Numerical Modeling of Supercritical Flow in the Los Angeles River: Part II: Existing Conditions Adaptive Hydraulics Numerical Model Study

    Abstract: The Los Angeles District of the US Army Corps of Engineers is assisting the City of Los Angeles with restoration efforts on the Los Angeles River. The city wishes to restore portions of the channelized river to a more natural state with riparian green spaces for both wildlife and public recreation usage. The Los Angeles River provides an important role from a flood-control perspective, and functionality needs to be preserved when contemplating system modifications. This report details the development of an Adaptive Hydraulics numerical model capable of modeling this complex system consisting of both subcritical and supercritical flow regimes. The model geometry was developed to represent the existing conditions system for future usage in quantifying the impact associated with proposed restoration alternatives. Due to limited hydraulic data in the study area, an extensive model validation to observed data was not possible. A model was developed and simulated using the most appropriate input parameters. Given the lack of measured data for model validation, an extensive number of sensitivity simulations were completed to identify the most impactful parameters and quantify a reasonable level of confidence in the model results based on the uncertainty in the model inputs.
  • Analysis of Microgrid Performance, Reliability, and Resilience (AMPeRRe) Computational Model Novel Analytical Model to Forecast the Outcomes of Installation Power Grids

    Abstract: Federal facilities, industrial areas, academic campuses, and communities are working to incorporate greater renewable energy sources and energy storage in their power infrastructure. While renewable sources of energy can—and do—support several facilities, uncertainty still exists about how reliably these sources of energy can support small and critical power systems with higher reliability standards, such as Army installations, tactical microgrids, remote community grids, and emergency response power systems. Maintaining reliability is already a significant challenge for power grids, and those that have a high proportion of renewable energy face particular challenges due to their intermittent power production. This technical report addresses the uncertainty by presenting a new computational model called Analysis of Microgrid Performance, Reliability, and Resilience (AMPeRRe). The model forecasts the power availability, fuel consumption, specific resilience factors, and excess energy production of proposed grids that include renewable energy sources and energy storage. If proposed grids are forecasted to lose power availability, users can apply this model to find which resources are needed to achieve 100% power availability and optimize resource quantities for ideal performance outcomes. AMPeRRe significantly reduces the uncertainty around renewable energy and energy storage in power grids and informs the critical resource investment decisions needed to yield improved long-term outcomes.