  • November

    CERL’s Delaney selected “Individual Expert” by the nominating committee for the Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s (CERL) David Delaney was recently elected to serve a one-year term as an individual expert (IE) with the National Standards Subcommittee on Animal Bioacoustics within the Acoustical Society of America.
  • ERDC briefs U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research’s (CERL) Tina Hurt and Peter Heinricher briefed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) regional environmental compliance coordinators and FWS headquarters staff on the updates to federal, state and fish and wildlife regulations.
  • ERDC and West Point Partner to Re-Shape the Army

    The Army has been building Barracks Huts (or B-Huts) to temporarily house military personnel the same way since WWII.
  • October

    Carbon Nanotube-Infused Zinc Coating Combines Barrier Properties with Cathodic Protection

    A new zinc primer nanocoating, developed through a collaboration between the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (ERDC CERL) (Champaign, Illinois) and Tesla Nanocoatings, Inc. (North Canton, Ohio), uses carbon nanotube (CNT) technology to inhibit the corrosion of steel.
  • ERDC Briefs Army Assistant Secretary on Installation Energy Security Strategy

    An ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) electrical engineer, currently on sabbatical at the Department of Energy’s Sandia National Laboratories, recently participated in a briefing for the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations (ASA-IEE), Energy and Environment, in Albuquerque, N.M.
  • September

    Paper on Reactive Porcelain Enamel Coating Research Accepted by Journal

    Researchers with ERDC’s Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) and Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) were recently notified that their paper on reactive porcelain enamel coating had been accepted for the Journal of Construction and Building Materials.
  • CERL Assists Fort Bragg’s Orbit Comet Water Security Exercise

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s (CERL) Dr. Mark Ginsberg and U.S. Army Public Health Command’s Dr. Steven Richards, at CERL to provide technical support, recently received certificates of appreciation for their participation and support during Fort Bragg’s full-scale water security exercise, Orbit Comet.
  • August

    CERL Researcher Garners First Place AEESP Award

    ERDC Construction Research Laboratory (CERL) Physicist/Environmental Engineer Andrew Nelson was recently notified that his master’s thesis, "Bench-Scale Evaluation of an Energy Efficient Acoustic Aerosol Purification Device with a Newly Designed Bioaerosol Testing and Evaluation Chamber," was selected for the first-place award from the Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP).
  • ERDC-Supported Research Commences with U.S. Military Academy

    ERDC laboratories will soon expand research projects through the use of the established ERDC-West Point research partnership. Both ERDC’s Construction Engineering Laboratory (CERL) and Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) will host cadet research.
  • ERDC CERL’s Delaney Chairs DOD Legacy-Funded Mohave Ground Squirrel Workshop

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s (CERL) David Delaney recently chaired a workshop funded by the Department of Defense (DOD) Legacy Program on Mohave ground squirrels in Barstow, Calif.
  • ERDC Advanced Materials Initiative Team Participates in Int’l Ceramics Congress

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s (CERL’s) Tom Carlson recently presented a poster paper on work towards an advanced ceramic composite to the 4th International Congress on Ceramics (ICC4) in Chicago.
  • CERL’s Boddu to Be Inducted into American Institute of Chemical Engineers Fellowship

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s Dr. Veera Boddu was recently elected by the board of directors, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), as a Fellow of the Institute, the highest grade of membership.
  • July

    CERL’s Nelson Awarded at AWMA Conference and Exhibition

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s Andrew Nelson recently received the First Place Doctoral Level Platform Paper Award at the 2012 Air and Waste Management Association’s (AWMA) Annual Conference and Exhibition, “Leading Environmental Frontiers,” in San Antonio, Texas.
  • CERL Researcher Presents at Wildlife Management Congress in South Africa

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory Researcher Dr. Harold Balbach recently presented the paper, “Developing an Organizational Relocation Policy” at the IV International Wildlife Management Congress, Durban, South Africa.
  • ERDC’s Educational Outreach Programs Influence Thousands

    “We are raising a generation of ‘American Idols’ and ‘So You Think You Can Dancers,’ when what we really need is a generation of Gateses (Microsoft founder) and Zuckerbergs (Facebook founder),” said ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) Research Civil Engineer Shelley Tingle.
  • ERDC and NH ARNG Erect Tower to Study Net Zero Possibilities

    ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) and the New Hampshire Army National Guard (NH ARNG) are conducting a meteorological study for the possible development of a net-zero (energy) training facility in Center Strafford, N.H.
  • June

    Corps of Engineers Pilots COBie

    The Construction-Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) project, published as a part of the U.S. national Building Information Model (BIM) standard earlier this year, is being implemented on major Corps of Engineers projects.
  • ERDC’s East Keynote Speaker at ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory’s Dr. Bill East gave the opening keynote address recently at the 2012 American Society of Civil Engineers International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering.
  • CERL rat snake research featured in Journal of Zoology

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) Wildlife Biologist Dr. Jinelle Sperry, also an adjunct assistant professor with the College of ACES's Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences at the University of Illinois, is the lead author on an article published in the June issue of the Journal of Zoology.
  • May

    CERL Shows Major Support for Science Olympiad

    Twenty-one ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory-ites (CERL-ites) sacrificed their Saturday to volunteer for the Illinois State Science Olympiad competition, which was recently held on the University of Illinois campus.