CERL hosts STEM outreach refresher using video gaming tool

Published Nov. 16, 2012

Nov. 16, 2012

Public Affairs Office

Champaign, Ill.—ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) recently hosted training by the National Center for the Advancement of STEM Education – a DimensionU Refresher workshop for middle school mathematics teachers.

The video gaming tool, DimensionU, supplements the math curriculum appropriate for middle school pre-algebra students.  The tool provides students multiplayer missions and can be downloaded for home or school use.

Mathematics teachers from Champaign School District Unit 4 and Urbana School District Unit 116 attended either the one-day refresher workshop for teachers who previously completed the initial three-day training, and six new teachers attended both days.

At the end of training, the instructors announced that, compared to the 17 sites across the nation, the Champaign/Urbana school districts were number one in online usage of the math gaming software tool.