Nov. 2, 2012
Public Affairs Office
DENVER--ERDC Construction Engineering Research’s (CERL) Tina Hurt and Peter Heinricher briefed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) regional environmental compliance coordinators and FWS headquarters staff on the updates to federal, state and fish and wildlife regulations.
The briefing was part of the FWS Biannual Environmental Compliance and Environmental Management System Audit Training and the Environmental Compliance and Safety Audit Site Visit, in Denver, Colo.
The refuge audit site was the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge, one of the largest urban refuges in the country, supporting more than 330 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish.
The hatchery audit was conducted at the Leadville National Fish Hatchery, the second oldest federally operated fish hatchery in existence today, created in 1889 for the purpose of increasing the supply of fish for inland waters.