US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Jan. 31, 2013
Updated: Dec. 2, 2022

Who We Are

The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC, Est. October 1, 1998) is one of the premier engineering and scientific research organizations in the world.  As the research organization of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ERDC conducts R&D in support of the Soldier, military installations, and civil works projects (water resources, environmental missions, etc.) as well as for other federal agencies, state and municipal authorities, and with U.S. industry through innovative work agreements.  ERDC research is developing innovative solutions for a safer, better world.


ERDC labs collaborate to address R&D in five major areas

  1. Military Engineering
  2. Installations and Operational Environments
  3. Water Resources
  4. Geospatial Research and Engineering
  5. Engineered Resilient Systems.

ERDC's staff of approximately 2,100 federal employees and contractors manage an annual research program exceeding $1 billion at seven laboratories in four states: 

  1. Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory - Vicksburg, Mississippi
  2. Construction Engineering Research Laboratory - Champaign, Illinois
  3. Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory - Hanover, New Hampshire
  4. Environmental Laboratory - Vicksburg, Mississippi
  5. Geospatial Research Laboratory - Alexandria, Virginia
  6. Geotechnical and Structures - Vicksburg, Mississippi
  7. Information Technology Laboratory - Vicksburg, Mississippi

Capabilities - Five primary technical areas

  1. Warfighter Support – geospatial information; system development; operational support; force protection; and force projection and sustainment
  2. Installations – transformation; operations; and environmental issues
  3. Environment – remediation & restoration; land planning, stewardship & management; threatened & endangered species; and cultural resources
  4. Water Resources – infrastructure, water resources, environmental issues, and navigation; and flood control and storm damage reduction
  5. Information Technology – informatics; geospatial technologies; computational services; high-performance computing applications

Facilities and Expertise

ERDC manages five major Department of Defense Supercomputer Resource Centers and hosts one of the centers at its Vicksburg site.  ERDC supercomputers are some of the most powerful and fastest in the world, with a capability of 3.5 quadrillion calculations per second

Other unique and world-class facilities include:

Even with state-of-the art facilities and cutting edge technologies, ERDC’s most impressive asset is its people – the expertise and education of its research team allows ERDC to provide solutions to our nation’s most complex challenges.  The ERDC staff includes more than 1,000 engineers and scientists, many with advanced degrees (32% hold doctorates and 45% hold master’s degrees).  ERDC outreach and partnering efforts result in numerous cooperative R&D agreements engaging leading experts from academia, private industry, and other agencies. 


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Engineer Research and Development Center
Attn: Public Affairs Office
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199

Updated 02 DECEMBER 2022

Intro to the OHWM Manual

Video by Jared Eastman
Introduction to the Interim Draft of the National Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) Manual
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center
Jan. 30, 2023 | 24:23
Introduction to the Interim Draft of the National Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) Manual for Rivers and Streams.