Previously mesh generation, boundary condition assignment, and visualization for these numerical models were confined to the 32-bit Windows environment. The CMB framework was designed as a cross-platform set of applications. In order to provide pre-processing on the desktop for the larger domains, the CMB design delays full mesh generation as long as possible to keep problem sizes manageable, working with 2D edges or 3D shells when tagging for boundary conditions.
From a complete conceptual model, simple meshes can be generated locally or the model can be exported as well as its boundary tags for mesh generation by HPC-based meshing tools.
Data Requirements
Scatter Point Tool: Supports PTS or TXT (ASCII and binary Scatter point files) and VTP (Visualization Toolkit Polygonal Data) files.
Scene Generation Tool: Supports PTS or TXT (ASCII and binary Scatter point file), VTP (Visualization Toolkit Polygonal Data file), VTK (Visualization Toolkit file), 2DM (XMS 2D data), #DM (XMS 3D data), STL (Stereolithography), POLY (Planar straight line graph file), and OBJ (Wavefront OBJ) files. SceneGen also generates its own xml file that lists all of the objects in the scene with their location and rotation values.
Boundary Condition and Material Assignment Tool: Currently reads in a CMB file (xml file that contains the geometry, materials, and boundary condition sets of a scene), 2DM (XMS 2D data), 3DM (XMS 3D data), SOL (XMS Solids file), VTK (Visualization Toolkit file). This tool also generates a CMB file (xml file that contains the geometry, materials, and boundary condition sets of a scene).
Future Capabilities
Future capabilities include:
- Scatter Point Tool: Manipulation of individual points, general polygonal clipping objects, georegistration of scatter point pieces, etc.
- Scene Generation Tool: Primitive 2D drawing and annotation tools, support for more formats, support for urban scene generation, interaction with the data stored in iSciDat (ERDC scientific warehouse)
- Boundary Condition and Material Assignment Tool: Define line segments and node spacing functions that will appear in the final mesh, handle mixed-element models, view non-meshable data from the scene generation tool (such as texture maps, vegetation, etc), etc.
In addition to added functionality in the existing tools, we plan to create new tools such as:
- Meshing and CAD Tools: These tools will allow us to integrate CAD models into our scenes as well as provide the ability to interact with existing mesh generators.
- Geology Modeler Tool: This tool will generate closed solids either by interpolating borehole contacts or by using geostatistical simulations.
- Model Application Suite: This tool will customize the output from the boundary condition and material assignment tool for specific models. Also, we would like to add additional functionalities such as model calibration, simulation management, and parameter estimation.
ERDC Points of Contact
Contact: Amanda Hines
Phone: 601-634-4162
Contact: Stacy Howington
Phone: 601-634-2939