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Tag: sediment transport
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Sediment Sorting by Hopper Dredging and Pump-Out Operations: Conceptual Model and Literature Review

    Abstract: Dredged sediment placed on beaches or nearshore environments is customarily evaluated for compatibility with the native beach sediment to avoid unintended impacts to economic, environmental, or recreational resources. Consequently, some state regulatory authorities establish limits upon the fine-grained content for sediment designated for placement on certain beaches and nearshore environments. Hopper dredging operations for beach and nearshore placement typically include periods of overflow, which is recognized to produce some degree of separation between the size fractions of the dredged sediment. The degree of separation and the controlling factors of separation are presently poorly known and are the subject of this research. This report provides a conceptual model of the hopper dredging and placement processes, including the relevant processes associated with hopper dredge-associated sediment dynamics, generation and transport of the overflow sediment plume, and sediment winnowing at the beach outflow. Prior research is described, and knowledge gaps are identified. Finally, a research plan to validate prior research and to address knowledge gaps is presented. An annotated bibliography of relevant literature is given in an appendix. Documentation of the planned research presented herein will appear in future publications associated with this study.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Nearshore Placement Workshop 2019: Sediment Nourishment of the Nearshore Environment

    Abstract: The Coastal Inlets Research Program and the Regional Sediment Management Program co-sponsored the 2019 Nearshore Placement Workshop. Thirty-four participants from the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) and numerous districts met in Vicksburg on January 29–30, 2019, as a part of the workshop. This workshop was convened to facilitate discussions on concerns districts face regarding nearshore placements from resource agencies and stakeholders, challenges to placing sediment in the nearshore, and future research needs. The workshop included ERDC presentations on the state of the science regarding nearshore placements; specific implementations of nearshore placements within various US Army Corps of Engineers districts; break-out-style discussions on nearshore placement challenges and potential paths forward; and group discussions on metrics for success, quantification of benefits, Statements of Need (SON), and research priorities. A few of the major recurring themes throughout the workshop were the importance of monitoring, concerns over the fate of fine-grained sediment, and difficulties conveying the benefits of nearshore placements to a wide range of audiences. The workshop culminated in a discussion of possible SON to be put forth to the ERDC research and development community. This special report describes the discussions and outcomes of the 2019 Nearshore Placement Workshop.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Seamless Integration of Lidar-Derived Volumes and Geomorphic Features into the Sediment Budget Analysis System

    Abstract: This Regional Sediment Management Technical Note provides a workflow and case study documenting the process to integrate lidar-derived volume changes and changes quantified from geomorphic features into the Sediment Budget Analysis System. Sediment budgets provide an understanding of a region’s sediment sources, project needs, processes, data gaps, engineering actions, and ecological considerations. Elevation data from profiles or lidar, sediment characteristics, dredging and placement information, along with other coastal datasets, are used to understand sediment pathways and develop sediment budgets for a region. Workflows and tools have been updated or modified to integrate sediment budget tools, volume change tools, and remote sensing data for the creation of comprehensive regional sediment budgets. 
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Geochemical Fingerprinting of Sediment Sources Associated with Deposition in the Calcasieu Ship Channel

    Abstract: This Regional Sediment Management Technical Note (RSM-TN) demonstrates how geochemical fingerprinting techniques were used to distinguish probable sediment sources to the Calcasieu Ship Channel (CSC). These methods were applied to sediment samples collected from suspected source areas identified in past sediment budget studies. The techniques can be used by managers and stakeholders to make more informed decisions on best practices for managing sediment and mitigating sediment deposition within the channel.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Analysis of Nearshore Placement of Sediments at Ogden Dunes, Indiana

    ABSTRACT: The harbor structures/shoreline armoring on the southern Lake Michigan shoreline interrupt sand migration. Ogden Dunes, Indiana, and the nearby Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore observed shoreline erosion due to engineered structures associated with Burns Waterway Harbor (east of Ogden Dunes) impeding natural east-to-west sediment migration. To remedy this, USACE placed over 450,000 cubic meters (m3) of dredged material post-2006 in the nearshore of Ogden Dunes. However, the effectiveness of nearshore placements for shoreline protection and littoral nourishment is not fully established. To improve nearshore placement effectiveness, USACE monitored the June/July 2016 placement and subsequent movement of 107,000 m3 of dredged material in the nearshore region at Ogden Dunes. This involved an extensive monitoring scheme (three bathymetry surveys, and two acoustic Doppler current profiler deployments), a Coastal Modeling System (CMS) numerical model of the changes following placement, and a prediction of sediment transport direction using the Sediment Mobility Tool (SMT). The SMT-predicted sediment migration direction was compared to observations. Observations indicated that between 10/11/2016 and 11/15/2016 the centroid of the sediment above the pre-placement survey moved 17 m onshore. These observations agreed with SMT predictions — onshore migration under storm and typical wave conditions. CMS accurately reproduced the hydrodynamic features.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Bed-Load Transport Measurements on the Chippewa River Using the ISSDOTv2 Method

    PURPOSE: This Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Technical Note (TN) provides information on bed-load measurements obtained on the Chippewa River, Wisconsin, in the spring of 2018. The ISSDOTv2 method was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), River and Estuarine Engineering Branch. The method uses time-sequenced bathymetric data to determine a bed-load transport rate. When transport rates are obtained with concurrent flow-rate data, it is possible to develop bed-load rating curves. Such rating curves are extremely valuable in forecasting or hindcasting bed-load sediment delivery for the location at which the data were obtained. This is very important for river managers in developing sediment budgets and in the planning of dredging operations.  In the present study, the USACE Mississippi Valley Division (MVD), St. Paul District (MVP), had contracted with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for real-time monitoring of suspended-sediment concentrations (suspended sand load and bed-load sediment) on the lower Chippewa River, a major source and contributor of sand-sized sediment to the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). The bed-load values obtained using ISSDOTv2 are presented in this RSM TN.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Design considerations for beneficial use sites along the Channel to Victoria, Calhoun County, Texas

    Purpose: This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Sediment Management (RSM) investigation considered implementation of new or historically underutilized beneficial use (BU) sites for the Channel to Victoria (CTV) in Calhoun County, Texas. The utilization of alternative  placement areas is justified on two main grounds: (1) there is cost savings associated with the shorter pump distance compared to the existing upland confined placement areas and (2) shoaling reduction relative to a without project condition. Additional benefits realized by utilizing the proposed sites include (1) increased safety for vessels navigating CTV due to the reduction/elimination of open fetch and currents, (2) additional placement options available in times of emergency dredging, and (3) increased bird habitat, particularly for the endangered whooping crane. These sites have received National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) clearance in previous project documents, and it is anticipated minimal or no additional NEPA coordination will be required to construct/restore these sites.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Effects of Bank Stabilization on Regional Sediment Management: Lessons Learned from the Kansas River and Grand River Basins

     Link: Number: ERDC/TN RSM-20-1Title: Effects of Bank Stabilization on Regional Sediment Management: Lessons Learned from the Kansas River and Grand River BasinsBy Aaron Williams and John ShelleyApproved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited January 2020Purpose:  Accumulation of sediment has and
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Uncertainty Associated with the Sediment Mobility Tool

     Link: Number: ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-122Title: Uncertainty Associated with the Sediment Mobility Toolby Brian C. McFall, Victor M. Gonzalez, Efrain Ramos-Santiago, Norberto C. Nadal-Caraballo, Katherine E. BrutschéApproved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited January 2020Purpose: The goal of this
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Quantifying Wave Breaking Shape and Suspended Sediment in the Surf Zone

     Link: Number: ERDC/CHL TR-19-22Title: Quantifying Wave Breaking Shape and Suspended Sediment in the Surf ZoneBy Patrick J. Dickhudt, Nicholas J. Spore, Katherine L. Brodie, and A. Spicer BakApproved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited November 2019Abstract: This technical report describes a