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  • Demonstration of Acoustic Sensing Techniques for Fuel-Distribution System Condition Monitoring: Final Report on Project F07-AR07

    Abstract: Leaks in fuel storage tanks and distribution piping systems have been identified as a mission-critical problem by the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army. Fuel system leaks are often hard to locate and virtually inaccessible for efficient repair because the piping is often installed under a concrete pad or tarmac. Leak repair could cost up to $2,000, and the cost of cleanup and remediation for fuel spills can exceed $50,000. In this project an acoustic remote sensing system was installed to monitor an Army heliport refueling system to determine whether it could detect and accurately locate fuel leaks using computer software technologies to distinguish acoustic leakage signatures from normal fuel system operational noise.
  • Optical and Acoustical Measurement of Ballistic Noise Signatures

    Abstract: Supersonic projectiles in air generate acoustical signatures that are fundamentally related to the projectile’s shape, size, and velocity. These characteristics influence various mechanisms involved in the generation, propagation, decay, and coalescence of acoustic waves. To understand the relationships between projectile shape, size, velocity, and the physical mechanisms involved, an experimental effort captured the acoustic field produced by a range of supersonic projectiles using both conventional pressure sensors and a schlieren imaging system. The results of this ongoing project will elucidate those fundamental mechanisms, enabling more sophisticated tools for detection, classification, localization, and tracking. This paper details the experimental setup, data collection, and preliminary analysis of a series of ballistic projectiles, both idealized and currently in use by the U.S. Military.
  • Stormwater Management and Optimization Toolbox

    Abstract: As stormwater regulations for hydrologic and water quality control become increasingly stringent, Department of Defense (DoD) facilities are faced with the daunting task of complying with multiple laws and regulations. This often requires facilities to plan, design, and implement structural best management practices (BMPs) to capture, filter, and/or infiltrate runoff—requirements that can be complicated, contradictory, and difficult to plan. This project demonstrated the Stormwater Management Optimization Toolbox (SMOT), a spreadsheet-based tool that effectively analyzes and plans for compliance to the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) of 2007 pre-hydrologic conditions through BMP implementation, resulting in potential cost savings by reducing BMP sizes while simultaneously achieving compliance with multiple objectives. SMOT identifies the most cost-effective modeling method based on an installation’s local conditions (soils, rainfall patterns, drainage network, and regulatory requirements). The work first demonstrated that the Model Selection Tool (MST) recommendation accurately results in the minimum BMP cost for 45 facilities of widely varying climatic and regional conditions, and then demonstrated SMOT at two facilities.
  • Fort Huachuca History of Development: Existing Reports and Contexts

    Abstract: The Fort Huachuca Environmental and Natural Resources Division (ENRD) tasked ERDC-CERL to compile a history of the development of Fort Huachuca for use in evaluating existing facilities and how they fit within the larger, overarching history of the fort. Fort Huachuca desires a comprehensive history of the fort for use in better understanding how its various facilities integrate into the overall history and development of the fort and its existing and proposed National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) properties and districts. This comprehensive history will help ENRD in making determinations on how to address future National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) nominations and/or recommendations for adding new historic districts or expanding the existing historic district. ERDC-CERL compiled content from 18 existing historic contexts, building inventory and cultural resources reports, NRHP nomination and registration forms, and Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) forms previously completed for the ENRD, and used these resources to compile the current history.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Demonstration of Electro-Osmotic Pulse and Dehumidification Technologies to Mitigate Corrosion in Earth Covered Magazines: Final Report on Project F08-AR23

    The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Report Number:ERDC/CERL TR-19-17Title:Demonstration of Electro-Osmotic Pulse and Dehumidification Technologies to Mitigate Corrosion in Earth Covered Magazines: Final Report on Project
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Raven Rock Mountain Complex Site C Archaeological Phase I Survey

    The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Report Number:ERDC/CERL TR-19-9Title:Raven Rock Mountain Complex Site C Archaeological Phase I SurveyAuthor(s):Carey L. Baxter, Adam D. Smith, and Ellen R. HartmanPurpose/Abstract:The
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Raven Rock Mountain Complex Site R Archaeological Site Revisit

    The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Report Number:ERDC/CERL TR-19-10, August 2019Title:Raven Rock Mountain Complex Site R Archaeological Site Revisit Author(s):Carey. L. Baxter, Adam D. Smith, and Ellen R.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Feasibility of Discontinuous Quoin Blocks for USACE Miter Gates

    The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.Report Number:ERDC TR-19-16Title:Feasibility of Discontinuous Quoin Blocks for USACE Miter GatesAuthor(s):Brian A. Eick, Matthew D. Smith, and Travis B.
  • DEADLINE EXTENDED - Installations of the Future Industry Day

     RFI Deadline extended:  March 22, 2019, 4:00 pm Central Time US Army Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC) is requesting information on providers of technologies to explore "smart" capabilities and solutions for Army installations. All responses to this RFI must be emailed or mailed via CD/DVD - see Contact info below Email