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Tag: water quality
  • Eutrophication Management via Iron-Phosphorus Binding

    Abstract: The presence of phosphorus (P) in excessive quantities can lead to undesired conditions, such as cyanobacterial/algal bloom. The over-enriched hypertrophic conditions or the excess amounts of nutrients (nitrogen and P, P being the primary nutrient of concern) are the major cause of harmful cyanobacterial blooms, which can be toxic and can also lead to oxygen depletion and anoxic respiration (hypoxia) in the hypolimnion. The presence of iron compounds has been shown to bind phosphorus and diminish harmful algal blooms. Therefore, an iron-plates-packed reactor has been designed to reduce P in surface water. This cost-effective and easy-to-install system has shown promising results in phosphorus reduction.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Water Quality Visualization Tools: A Python Application (1/A)

    Abstract: On May 4, 2016, US District Court Judge Simon ordered the US Army Corps of Engineers and two other Action Agencies to produce a comprehensive Environmental Impacts Statement (EIS) by March 26, 2021. To do this, the Columbia River Systems Operation (CRSO) EIS will evaluate and compare a range of alternatives to offset or minimize any remaining unavoidable impacts. Due to the unique large system model approach, there is a need to quickly develop and analyze water quality model results. Therefore, there was a need for several visualization tools to assist the CRSO EIS team in promptly analyzing the results and creating publication-ready graphics. To create the most accessible desktop application for the CRSO EIS team, the Python programming language was used to quickly create three visualization tools. These three tools are only useful for relatively small data sets. If the team wishes to expand the functionality for larger data sets, it is recommended that model execution and analysis be moved to the supercomputers.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Fate and Effects of Microcystin in Nearshore and Upland Environments: A Literature Review

     Link: Report Number: ERDC/TN DOTS-20-1Title: Fate and Effects of Microcystin in Nearshore and Upland Environments: A Literature Review by Andrew D. McQueen, Michael W. Habberfield, Karen G. Keil, and Burton C. Suedel Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited January 2020 Purpose: Dredged material