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Tag: Hydrologic models
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Spatial Analysis of Precipitation and Snow Water Equivalent Extremes for the Columbia River Basin

    Abstract: Recent advances in the spatial statistics of extremes and model calibration were applied to develop and deliver areal-exceedance estimates for precipitation (PREC), by season and duration, and snow water equivalent (SWE), by cool season month and for the water year, for 758 delineated sub-basins of the Columbia River Basin (CRB), which correspond to a new CRB hydrology model watershed delineation. Understanding that future US Army Corps of Engineers, Northwestern Division, mission requirements may change, project execution also included the development and delivery of an application guidance document to credibly compute areal-exceedance estimates, including uncertainty, for PREC or SWE for any arbitrary area within the CRB. R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics (, and QGIS, a free and open source geographic information system (, were the primary tools used for product development and delivery. The following R software packages were primarily used during project execution: evd, Glmnet, maps, raster, rgdal, SDMTools, sp, and SpatialExtremes.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Analysis of Snow Water Equivalent Annual Maxima in the Upper Connecticut River Basin Using a Max-Stable Spatial Process Model

    Abstract: Recent advances from the science of spatial extremes and model regularization were applied to develop areal-based extremes of snow water equivalent (SWE) data for the upper Connecticut River Basin. Development of areal-based SWE exceedance probability estimates are of relevance for cool season probabilistic flood hazard analyses (PFHA). The approach profiled in this case study is applicable for other hydrometeor-ological variables of relevance to PFHA. The methodology conforms with Extreme Value Theory (EVT) for the analysis of spatial extremes; hence, there is a firm theoretical basis for extrapolation. Trend surface development is guided by EVT theory and recent advances for regularizing general linear models. R, a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics, and QGIS, a free and open-source geographic information system, were the primary tools used for product development and delivery. The following R software packages were primarily used during project execution: evd, Glmnet, maps, raster, rgdal, SDMTools, sp, and SpatialExtremes. R software packages exist in the public domain and support PFHA analyses of varying complexities. Their application herein is not an endorsement or recommendation. It is recommended that one would need to evaluate any particular R software package regarding its suitability for use for any specific application.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Nested Physics-Based Watershed Modeling at Seven Mile Creek: Minnesota River Integrated Watershed Study

    ABSTRACT: The Minnesota River Basin (MRB) Integrated Study Team (IST) was tasked with assessing the condition of the MRB and recommending management options to reduce suspended sediments and improve the water quality in the basin. The Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) was chosen by the IST as the fine scale model for the Seven Mile Creek Watershed to help quantify the physical effects from best management practices within the MRB. The predominately agricultural Seven Mile Creek Watershed produces high total suspended solids and nutrients loads, contributing roughly 10% of the total load to the Minnesota River. GSSHA models were developed for a small experimental field research site called Red Top Farms, a Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC)-12 model for the entire Seven Mile Creek Watershed, a sub-basin of the Seven Mile Creek Watershed. After calibration, the resulting models were able to simulate measured tile drain flows, stream flow, suspended sediments, and to a lesser extent, nutrients. A selected suite of alternative land-use scenarios was simulated with the models to determine the watershed response to land-use changes at the small and medium scale and to test whether the type, size, and spatial distribution of land uses will influence the effectiveness of land management options.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: A Practical Two-Phase Approach to Improve the Reliability and Efficiency of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Directed Hydrologic Model Calibration

    ABSTRACT: Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are widely used in hydrology and other fields for posterior inference in a Bayesian framework. A properly constructed MCMC sampler is guaranteed to converge to the correct limiting distribution, but convergence can be very slow. While most research is focused on improving the proposal distribution used to generate trial moves in the Markov chain, this work instead focuses on efficiently finding an initial population for population-based MCMC samplers that will expedite convergence. Four case studies, including two hydrological models, are used to demonstrate that using multi-level single linkage implicit filtering stochastic global optimization to initialize the population both reduces the overall computational cost and significantly increases the chance of finding the correct limiting distribution within the constraint of a fixed computational budget.