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Tag: hurricanes
  • PUBLICATION NOTIFICATION: Effect of Tropical Storms and Precipitation on Dredging Volumes: Houston-Galveston, TX, and Mayport, FL

    Abstract: This study characterizes infilling responses within dredged navigation channels to rainfall from tropical storms and hurricanes. This project created a web tool based on the methods described in this report. This report discusses the different analysis methods considered to relate storm and rainfall to dredging volumes at two pilot sites, Galveston, TX, and Mayport, FL. A comprehensive storm Impact Factor for hurricanes was developed to quantify the impact at a site based on proximity, duration, and wind speed. The methods vary based on the length and timing of periods of storms and rainfall prior to a dredge event. At Galveston, TX, when 2-year dredging volume totals were compared to hurricane activity occurring in the previous 2 years, the maximum dredging volume removed was higher after higher hurricane activity when compared to low activity periods. The average amount dredged was higher following periods of high hurricane activity. At Mayport, FL, dredging volumes were compared to hurricane activity occurring since the last dredging action took place. Similarly to Galveston, TX, the maximum dredging volume removed was higher after higher hurricane activity periods when compared to low activity periods. The average amount dredged was higher following periods of high hurricane activity.