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A Method for Evaluating Automatic Identification System (AIS) Coverage on Select Inland Waterways in 2020 and 2021: Upper Mississippi River, Illinois River, and Ohio River

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Nov. 6, 2023


Report Number: ERDC/CHL TR-23-12

Title: A Method for Evaluating Automatic Identification System (AIS) Coverage on Select Inland Waterways in 2020 and 2021: Upper Mississippi River, Illinois River, and Ohio River

By: Marin M. Kress, Patricia K. DiJoseph, Morgan M. Johnston, Brian J. Tetreault, James T. Kilroy, Brady A. Towne, Andrew Smith, David Sathiaraj, and Andy Van Pelt

Approved for Public Release: Distribution is Unlimited.

November 2023

98 pages / 7.7 MB

ERDC Library

Release no. 23-157