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PUBLICATION NOTIFICATION: Thin Layer Placement of Sediments for Restoring Ecological Function to Submerging Salt Marshes: A Quantitative Review of Scientific Literature

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published April 1, 2020



Report Number: ERDC/TN-DOER-E44

Title: Thin Layer Placement of Sediments for Restoring Ecological Function to Submerging Salt Marshes: A Quantitative Review of Scientific Literature

by Christine M. VanZomeren and Candice D. Piercy

Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited January 2020

Purpose: The inundation of salt marshes, due in part to sea level rise, can result in elevation loss and a corresponding reduction in marsh ecological function. Several small-scale marsh restoration pilot projects have involved the addition of a thin layer of sediment to offset excessive inundation caused by loss of salt marsh elevation and resulting submergence. However, a comprehensive review, as well as a synthesis of project designs and the effects of sediment additions on ecological function, is lacking. This technical note reviews the impacts of thin layer placement of sediment on salt marsh ecological function and will serve as a resource for salt marsh restoration projects utilizing thin layer placement of sediments.

11 pages / 519.6 Kb

Release no. 20-026