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PUBLICATION NOTICE: Modeling Sediment Concentrations during a Drawdown Reservoir Flush: Simulating the Fall Creek Operations with HEC-RAS

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Sept. 6, 2019

The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Report Number:



Modeling Sediment Concentrations during a Drawdown Reservoir Flush: Simulating the Fall Creek Operations with HEC-RAS


Stanford Gibson and James Crain


This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Sediment Management Technical Note (RSM-TN) summarizes the history and objectives of the Fall Creek reservoir flushing operations and presents a one-dimensional (1D) morphodynamic model that simulates sediment dynamics during the flush. A USACE Institute for Water Resources (IWR), Hydrologic Engineering Center, River Analysis System (HEC-RAS), model was developed to simulate sediment flushing and was compared to downstream flush concentrations for three separate years (2012, 2013, and 2014).

10 pgs / 1.7 mb


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Release no. 19-096