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The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Reducing Uncertainty and Improving Precision in Coincident Geospatial Datasets Using Weight-of-Evidence: Part 1
Jeffrey Cegan, Matthew Wood, Igor Linkov, and Drew Allan Loney
This U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Technical Note (TN) is the first of multiple TNs focused on improving environmental datasets in limited-knowledge conditions by merging multiple datasets, each with high uncertainty and low precision, together with institutionalized subject matter expert knowledge to increase accuracy and precision. This TN provides a brief overview of geospatial data fusion and uncertainty quantification for environmental datasets. Additionally, this TN details the progress and current results following an investigation of the working hypothesis that a weight-of-evidence (WOE) framework that joins qualitative and quantitative datasets can significantly improve the accuracy and precision as related to individual datasets and current data fusion algorithms.
14 pgs / 1.6 mb
ERDC is a diverse research organization with approximately 2,000 employees operating more than $1 billion in world class facilities at seven laboratories. Its annual program exceeds $1 billion as it supports the Department of Defense and other agencies in military and civilian projects. Principal research areas include Soldier support, Engineered Resilient Systems, Environmental Quality and Installations, Geospatial Research and Engineering, Military Engineering, and Water Resources. “Discover ▪ Develop ▪ Deliver”
Release no. 19-087