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PUBLICATION NOTICE: Range Encroachment Model User's Guide

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published July 31, 2019

The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center has published the report/note described and linked below. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

Report Number:



Range Encroachment Model User's Guide


Byron M. Garton


Encroachment of urban development upon military installations can be expected to have an impact on the Army's costs and ability to fulfill its missions due to issues relating to noise complaints, reduction of natural buffer land surrounding installation boundaries, light pollution effects on nighttime training operations, and other potential impacts to operations on installations. This model attempts to predict the effect of urban encroachment for several scenarios and various Department of Defense (DoD) installations. This document describes the process of executing the Range Encroachment Model, as it exists at the time of this writing, within the common computational environment established under the software integration effort of the Integrated Climate Assessment for Army Enterprise Planning work package.

25 pgs / 2.3 mb


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Release no. 19-057