Tag: ewn
  • February

    Landmark guidelines on natural and nature-based features is an international effort

    Nearly four years ago, a team led by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and that now includes 189 scientists, engineers and resource managers from 73 worldwide organizations gathered to begin work on a set of international guidelines for utilizing Natural and Nature-Based Features. Today, the project is nearing completion with the publication of “Guidelines on the Use of Natural and Nature-Based Features for Sustainable Coastal and Fluvial Systems” expected in 2020. The guidelines will provide practitioners with the best available information concerning the conceptualization, planning, design, engineering, construction and maintenance of NNBF to support resilience and flood risk reduction for coasts, bays and estuaries, as well as river and freshwater lake systems.
  • June

    ERDC launches Engineering with Nature website

    VICKSBURG, Miss.—Researchers with ERDC’s Environmental Laboratory recently launched the Engineering
  • September

    ERDC Chairs Regional Sediment Management and Engineering with Nature Workshop

    ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory’s Linda Lillycrop (CHL) and Environmental Laboratory’s (EL) Dr. Todd Bridges chaired the recent Regional Sediment Management (RSM) and Engineering with Nature (EWN) workshop in Portland, Ore.