VICKSBURG, Miss.- Dana Moses, a civil engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Huntington District has graduated from the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center University (ERDC-U). The organization held a virtual graduation ceremony Sept.16, 2021, featuring project presentations from current participants to top leadership highlighting extensive research efforts from the 2021 session.
Now in its sixth year, ERDC-U pairs (USACE) division and district participants with relevant laboratory mentors for an in-depth project to aid the Corps and the selectee’s district. ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) mentor Jeremy Sharp, served as a subject matter expert guiding Moses through his research project.
In his current role as lead hydraulic engineer, Moses is involved with various aspects of dam safety risk assessments, dam safety modification studies, analysis of extreme floods and design of hydraulic structures programs. His project for ERDC-U is titled “Field-Laboratory Partnering on Hydraulic Structures Research.”
“My project focused on matching senior hydraulic engineering staff from the Dam Safety Modification Center with CHL’s experienced research hydraulic engineering staff to develop and execute experiments that will enable the agency to more efficiently and effectively assess the performance and vulnerabilities of our existing hydraulic structures,” he said. “In addition to understanding the performance of our structures, the effort will also inform conceptual level modification to aid in decrease spillway vulnerabilities as part of Dam Safety modifications.”
Moses worked closely with CHL and ERDC’s Directorate of Public Works on the project. “The partnerships built along the way will undoubtedly benefit the Field-Laboratory relationships for years to come,” he said. “The testing is ongoing, and the results of the effort should be published by the end of the calendar year.”
“Mr. Moses is actively engaged in projects throughout the Nation and is involved in international training and partnering related to the design of hydraulic structures and dam safety risk assessments,” said Moses’ supervisor, Donald Whitmore, chief of Hydrology and Hydraulics and the Technical Support Division at the Huntington District. “Mr. Moses’ academic background and job performance over the last ten years are indicative of his abilities and commitment to excellence with the agency.”
Moses said, “The experience was very educational and speaks to the investment that ERDC and the USACE spend on development of its people and programs.”
Following congratulatory opening remarks by ERDC Director Dr. David Pittman, ERDC-U Program Manager Antisa Webb, Chief, Office of Research and Technology Transfer (ORTT), Technology, Knowledge and Outreach (TKO) Division, program co-sponsor with the Directorate of Human Capital, presented Moses with his framed graduation certificate and commended him on his efforts to assist his district.
Applications will open in October for the 2022 ERDC-U session to partner Corps division and district participants with subject matter experts at ERDC’s seven laboratories to apply and implement technical solutions during this six-month program. ERDC funds the costs of labor or travel with the district covering the participant’s other choice. For information on ERDC-U and applications, visit: