• January

    TEC's Remote Sensing Group's mobile laboratory for field work and sensor demos

    ERDC Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) scientists have recently taken delivery of a mobile van that will house and transport various remote sensing and processing systems in support of field experiment campaigns.
  • ERDC scientists support Navy relocation plans

    ERDC Environmental Laboratory's (EL) Dr. Deborah Shafer is leading a series of interdisciplinary teams studying dredging effects on coral reefs and providing assistance to the Naval Facilities Engineering Command-Pacific Division.
  • Hanover researchers mentor Dartmouth students via WISP

    Five Dartmouth College students and four ERDC-CRREL researchers are set for intern- and mentor-ships during the college's 2012 spring semester.
  • EL engineer receives ASCE Eastern Regional Younger Member Council Award

    ERDC Environmental Laboratory's (EL) Damarys Acevedo-Acevedo received the American Society of Civil Engineers' (ASCE) Eastern Regional Younger Member Council Award for Outstanding Young Civil Engineer in the Public Sector.
  • ERDC security specialist achieves professional certification

    ERDC Security Specialist Teresa Johnson, has completed the requirements for Security Fundamentals Professional Certification from the Defense Security Service.
  • Vicksburg Staffer Achieves Professional Certification

    Teresa Johnson, a security specialist with U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, Miss., has completed the requirements for her Security Fundamentals Professional Certification from the Defense Security Service.
  • ERDC Researchers Garner 2011 Modeling and Simulation Honors

    A five-member research team has been selected for the 2011 Army Modeling and Simulation Award for the development of One-Step, Contact Wall Breaching Methods for Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT).
  • ERDC's GSL makes JFOB Protection Handbook

    ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) has distributed more than 2,000 copies of the newest edition of the Joint Forward Operations Base (JFOB) Protection Handbook (Graphic Training Aid 90-01-011) since October 2011. More than 50,000 copies of previous editions have been printed to support troops in Iraq and Afghanistan prior to the current version.
  • ERDC's GSL makes JFOB Protection Handbook available to Soldiers and deploying engineers

    ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL) has distributed more than 2,000 copies of the newest edition of the Joint Forward Operations Base (JFOB) Protection Handbook (Graphic Training Aid 90-01-011) since October 2011. More than 50,000 copies of previous editions have been printed to support troops in Iraq and Afghanistan prior to the current version.
  • TEC supports NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

    Researchers with ERDC's Topographic Engineering Center (TEC) were asked by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Goddard Space Flight Center to design a Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) target suitable for use in the testing of the Multiple Altimeter Beam Experimental LiDAR (MABEL) airborne test bed.
  • EL's Steevens member Woodrow Wilson Institute Emerging Nanotechnology

    ERDC Environmental Laboratory's (EL) Dr. Jeffery A. Steevens, a senior scientist in biotechnology, was invited to be a scientific member of the Governance Board for the Woodrow Wilson Institute Emerging Nanotechnology Project.
  • CHL researcher co-developer of sediment budget equations

    Jan. 6, 2012ContactPublic Affairs Office601-634-3188VICKSBURG, Miss. — ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics
  • ITL's Mobile Information Collector Application receives award

    ERDC Information Technology Laboratory's (ITL) Mobile Information Collector Application (MICA) project was recently named an honorable mention in Government Computer News,an online publication for government information technology professionals.
  • CHL researcher co-developer of sediment budget equations

    ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL) researcher Dr. Julie Rosati, a research hydraulic engineer, recently co-authored technical note "Sediment Budget Possibilities and Improbabilities." The article is scheduled to appear inCoastal Engineering, Volume 60, in February.
  • December

    CERL's COBie is National Institute of Building Sciences Approved

    ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) recently received word that the National Institute of Building Sciences has approved the Construction-Operation Building information exchange (COBie) as part of the U.S. National Building Information Model (NBIMS-US) standard.
  • CERL Staff Administrator Honored for Deployment

    June Hansen, staff administrator with ERDC Construction Engineering Research Laboratory's (CERL) Management Integration Office, received the Commander's Award for Civilian Service. She was recognized for exceptionally meritorious service as the administrative officer for the Kabul Area Office, Afghanistan Engineer District-North, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom from May to October 2011.
  • CRREL's "Yeti" marks 100th anniversary of South Pole with new first

    ERDC Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Polar Researchers Dr. Jim Lever and Lynette Barna believe their Dartmouth College-partnered "Yeti" team has become the first to successfully operate an autonomous vehicle at the South Pole.
  • First-ever public blast protection standard features GSL expertise

    Under the leadership of ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory's (GSL) Dr. Paul Mlakar, ERDC expertise has greatly contributed to the American Society of Civil Engineers' publication, "ASCE Blast Protection of Buildings Standard," the long-awaited guidebook released in September.
  • TEC's Tischler Receives NSF Antarctica Service Medal

    ERDC-TEC Physical Scientist Michael Tischler describes his assignment as a member of the National Science Foundation's (NSF) South Pole Traverse team as "challenging, rigorous, difficult and interesting." His participation as the Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) operator and analyst earned him the Antarctica Service Medal.
  • CHL uses High-Res Acoustical Camera to See Scour at Navigation Infrastructure

    ERDC Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), at the request of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers St. Louis District, utilized the ERDC acoustical camera system, equipment developed under the Navigation Systems Research Program, to inspect scouring below the lock at Lock and Dam 25 on the Mississippi River near Winfield, Mo.