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Tag: facility management
  • Building Control Graphics Criteria Update: Standards and Criteria Project 23T12

    Abstract: This US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Standards and Criteria effort recommends updates to the building-graphics-related content in Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-470-01 and Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) 25 10 10. Building graphics serve as the primary facility interface and are required for any HVAC controls integration project to a base-wide system; however, the current lack of criteria significantly limits their effectiveness and regularly yields inconsistent, low-quality tools for end users. This project developed “Guiding Principles” of good HVAC graphics along with the criteria language to assist the DoD in procuring and implement-ing good graphics. This report includes extensive illustrations to demonstrate good versus poor implementations of the proposed criteria. The intent is not to establish DoD-level graphics standards with these images but give a litmus test to designers and quality assurance staff for what right (and wrong) looks like. Primary recommendations are for graphics drawings designer responsibilities and contractor shop drawing requirements where installation standards are unavailable. Both designer criteria and spec-level functionality are defined using the Guiding Principles developed in this report. Future re-search topics are also described for enhanced trending capabilities, development of standard HVAC system-level performance indicators, and cloud-based connections to ongoing commissioning (OCx) systems.
  • Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Facility Data Exchange Pilot Expansion to BUILDER SMS

    Abstract: The Army has many enterprise Operation and Maintenance (O&M) systems that require manual input of the same facility data collected through-out the facility life cycle. This manual input of data costs Army installations valuable time and labor. A standardized approach to deliver the O&M information in a consistent, accurate, timely, and digital method for expedited input into the numerous systems is needed. A United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)-led team consisting of O&M subject matter experts within USACE and industry developed a standardized process for collecting and exchanging facility data for downstream applications. The process is defined in the Engineering and Construction Bulletin (ECB) 2018-6 and includes utilization of Unified Facilities Guide Specification (UFGS) 01 78 24.00 10. An initial pilot study verified that asset data collected during facility construction could effectively be imported into the Army General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS). This second pilot study focused on facilitating the import of facility asset and equipment data collected during construction into the BUILDER Sustainment Management System (SMS) web-based software application. The project scope included investigation of current Army installations’ processes as they relate to BUILDER SMS as well as initial testing of information transfer approaches.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Enhancing Army Energy Culture with Behavioral Approaches

    Abstract: Facility energy efficiency efforts too often underperform because of people’s choices and actions in their use of technology. Recognizing this challenge, Army energy guidance calls for establishing an informed energy-conscious culture of stewardship to meet mission resilience requirements. However, the details for implementing that guidance have not been established. This report provides two primary products to address these needs: (1) a Human-Centered Efficiency Process (HCEP), which is a coordinated nine-step process to use best practices in energy behavior, and (2) an outline of a strategy to build a culture of efficiency. The practical HCEP is synthesized from energy management, change management, and Army processes (After Action Report [AAR] and Commander’s Intent), as well as insights from federal personnel. It is built around an organizational framework and a continuous improvement process that systematically enables people to use technology effectively and efficiently. The culture strategy consists of a method of assessing the current status of the Army’s energy culture; a vision of a desired end state; and a path toward change.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: An Army Guide to Navigating the Cyber Security Process for Facility Related Control Systems: Cybersecurity and Risk Management Framework explanations for the Real World

     Link: Report Number: ERDC/CERL SR-19-5Title: An Army Guide to Navigating the Cyber Security Process for Facility Related Control Systems: Cybersecurity and Risk Management Framework explanations for the Real World By Michael Cary Long, Joseph Bush, Steven Briggs, Tapan Patel, Eileen Westervelt, Daniel