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Tag: Breakwaters
  • Potential Engineering With Nature Features to be Incorporated at Woodtick Peninsula

    Purpose: Woodtick Peninsula is a barrier peninsula in western Lake Erie where restoration activities are being planned to combat erosion of the peninsula wetlands through placement of dredged material. As part of the restoration effort, design of an artificial reef is currently underway to function as a breakwater, preventing erosion of the fine-grained material being hydraulically placed along the west side of the peninsula. To the extent possible, it is desirable to design the reef such that it would not only provide erosion protection, but also incorporate features that would provide habitat, and thereby support the goals of Engineering With Nature® (EWN®). EWN is a concept focused on aligning natural and engineering processes to deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits efficiently and sustainably through collaboration. A range of breakwater and shoreline armoring alternatives have been utilized in coastal environments to enhance habitat. While a number of alternatives have been successfully demonstrated in marine waters, fewer structures have been adapted to freshwater systems of the Great Lakes. However, there have been several demonstrations within the Great Lakes in which breakwater structures have been enhanced to incorporate habitat features. In this report, potential designs for breakwaters and shoreline edging in freshwater systems that can incorporate EWN benefits are summarized.
  • Automatic Identification System (AIS) Data Case Study: Vessel Traffic through the Yaquina Bay Breakwater at Newport, Oregon

    Abstract: The navigation staff at US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Portland District (NWP) asked for information on vessel transits through the two existing openings in the breakwater on the north side of Yaquina Bay in Newport, Oregon. Currently, no authorized federal channel passes through the breakwater openings; however, the design for a possible federal channel is under consideration. NWP staff were interested in historical vessel transits, with a special focus on isolating transits for the largest (i.e., longest) vessels, identified as vessels 80 feet or longer, currently utilizing the area inside the breakwater. The Automatic Identification System Analysis Package (AISAP) software created by USACE-ERDC (2018) was used to analyze vessel traffic.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Investigation of Shoaling in the Federal Navigation Channel, Waukegan Harbor, Illinois

    Abstract: Persistent and excessive shoaling occurs in the Outer Harbor and Approach Channel of the Waukegan Harbor, Illinois. This report describes a numerical modeling study performed for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, to evaluate the existing harbor and 11 structural alternatives for three crest elevations. This report provides details of numerical modeling study, analysis of field data, and estimates of shoaling. The focus of the study is the investigation of a variety of structural solutions intercepting and/or diverting sediments to reduce shoaling in the navigation channel. These include breakwaters, groins, spurs, and structural extensions with varying length and crest elevation connecting to the north beach and existing north breakwater. Estimates of both shoaling volume and height are developed with and without project using an integrated wave-flow-sediment transport numerical modeling approach. Quantitative reduction estimates are provided for each structural alternative investigated.