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Tag: structural dynamics
  • Load and Resistance Factors from Reliability Analysis Probability of Unsatisfactory Performance (PUP) of Flood Mitigation, Batter Pile-Founded T-Walls Given a Target Reliability Index (𝛽)

    Abstract: This technical report documents the research and development (R&D) study in support of the development of a combined Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methodology that accommodates both geotechnical and structural design limit states for design of the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) batter pile-founded, reinforced concrete flood walls. Development of the required reliability and corresponding LRFD procedures has been progressing slowly in the geotechnical topic area as compared to those for structural limit state considerations, and therefore this has been the focus of this first-phase R&D effort. This R&D effort extends reliability procedures developed for other non-USACE structural systems, primarily bridges and buildings, for use in the design of batter pile-founded USACE flood walls. Because the foundation system includes batter piles under flood loading, the design procedure involves frame analysis with significant soil structure interaction. Three example batter pile-founded T-Wall flood structures on three different rivers have been examined considering 10 geotechnical and structural limit states. Numerical procedures have been extended to develop precise multiple limit state Reliability calculations and for complete LRFD analysis of the example batter pile-founded, T-Wall reinforced concrete, flood walls.