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Tag: Channels (Hydraulic engineering)--Performance
  • New Metrics for Managing Waterways: Vessel Encroachment Volume for Selected South Atlantic Division Ports

    Abstract: The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) uses two metrics to evaluate maintenance for coastal navigation projects: cargo tonnage at the associated port and the controlling depth in the channel relative to the authorized channel depth. These are calculated through normal business practices and describe the relative importance (tonnage) of the port and the operating condition (controlling depth) of the channel. They are incorporated into a risk-based decision framework that directs funds to locations where channel conditions have deteriorated. Using Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel-position data, USACE is pioneering the computation of metrics related to the space between the hull of transiting vessels and the waterway bed for channels, the underkeel clearance. This and related metrics describe how waterway users take advantage of the service provided directly by USACE (maintained channel depth). This study compares the underkeel clearance metrics among 13 ports in the South Atlantic Division over a span of 3 years by combining marine vessel AIS data, tidal predictions, channel bathymetric surveys, and vessel sailing draft. Comparing these values across ports allows these metrics to be integrated into the decision framework that drives dredge funding allocations.v