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Tag: Delta (Miss. : Region)
  • Regeneration Dynamics of Bottomland Hardwood Sites Following Prolonged Growing-Season Inundation

    Abstract: The spring flood of the Mississippi River and backwater areas in 2019 resulted in large-scale flooding and was the longest-lasting flood event since the Great Flood of 1927. This flood event provided a rare opportunity to establish permanent plots in batture and backwater habitats to evaluate forest-stand dynamics following prolonged flooding. In this study, we evaluated postflooding conditions of forest overstory, midstory, and regeneration by establishing permanent plots at four locations subjected to varying amounts of flooding within the Mississippi River batture and the Yazoo–Mississippi Delta backwater region. Our results highlight oak regeneration success following the 2019 flood event as well as the utility and need to establish and monitor permanent plots to increase our understanding of floodplain forest dynamics in regions experiencing prolonged riverine flooding during the growing season.