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Tag: Ecosystem Management and Restoration Research Program (U.S.)
  • Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index for Louisville Streams (QHEILS)

    Purpose: Urban stream restoration typically involves multiple objectives addressing different aspects of ecosystem integrity, such as habitat provision, geomorphic condition, watershed connectivity, water quality, and land-use change. Multiple stream assessment tools and models have been developed and applied to inform restoration prioritization, planning, and design. Here, we present the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index for Louisville Streams (QHEILS, pronounced “quails”), which was designed as an interdisciplinary assessment method for urban streams in the Louisville, Kentucky, metropolitan region. The model adapts a regional habitat assessment procedure, the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI), by incorporating additional processes related to geomorphic change and watershed connectivity. The QHEILS was developed in the context of the Beargrass Creek Ecosystem Restoration Feasibility Study, and it provides a rapid procedure for assessing multiobjective benefits associated with proposed restoration actions. This technical note summarizes the model and provides example applications within the Beargrass Creek watershed.