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Tag: Project development
  • An MCA Linear Additive Method for Research Project Analysis

    Abstract: This report describes a business intelligence (BI) model developed by the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) to evaluate multiple projects simultaneously and help researchers learn descriptive phrases found in alignment sources representative of their projects. The BI model combines the linear additive model with the analytical hierarchy process to take advantage of the qualitative and quantitative nature of both methods. The model has five variations, all built along the same objectives but with different criteria due to the specialized emphasis areas of each variation. The BI model operates around three central concepts for evaluating the projects: Alignment Variables, Timing, and Customer Relationship. A use-case scenario with ten projects shows the effectiveness of the model and compares it with another model from the United States Military Academy. This new BI model will assist researchers in developing and proposing research ideas that are more relevant and fundable.