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Tag: Data sets
  • A 10-Year Monthly Climatology of Wind Direction: Case-Study Assessment

    Abstract: A 10-year monthly climatology of wind direction in compass degrees is developed utilizing datasets from the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, Climate Forecast System. Data retrieval methodologies, numerical techniques, and scientific analysis packages to develop the climatology are explored. The report describes the transformation of input data in Gridded Binary format to the Geographic Tagged Image File Format to support geospatial analyses. The specific data sources, software tools, and data-verification techniques are outlined.
  • In Situ and Time

    Abstract: Large-scale HPC simulations with their inherent I/O bottleneck have made in situ visualization an essential approach for data analysis, although the idea of in situ visualization dates back to the era of coprocessing in the 1990s. In situ coupling of analysis and visualization to a live simulation circumvents writing raw data to disk for post-mortem analysis -- an approach that is already inefficient for today's very large simulation codes. Instead, with in situ visualization, data abstracts are generated that provide a much higher level of expressiveness per byte. Therefore, more details can be computed and stored for later analysis, providing more insight than traditional methods. This workshop encouraged talks on methods and workflows that have been used for large-scale parallel visualization, with a particular focus on the in situ case.
  • Legacy Datums and Changes in Benchmark Elevation through Time at the Old River Control Structure, Louisiana

    Abstract: Vertical datums used in the study area at the Old River Control Structure in southern Louisiana have involved Memphis Datum, Mean Gulf Level, Mean Sea Level, Mean Sea Level Datum of 1929, National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929, and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988. The focus of this study was to examine historic benchmarks in the study area to determine the magnitude of elevation changes associated with the different legacy datums that have been used by the US Army Corps of Engineers. Comparison of elevation values across these legacy datums has involved examining historic hydrographic surveys, compiling a list of known benchmarks from these surveys, and comparing their elevation values against publications involving spirit-leveling surveys from the Lower Mississippi Valley and the National Geodetic Survey database for benchmarks. This study describes the history of legacy datums, floodplain geology at the Old River Control Structure, potential subsidence impacts affecting the benchmarks, methods for identification and tracking benchmarks, and the results obtained from this study.
  • USACE Navigation Sediment Placement: An RSM Program Database (1998 – 2019)

    Abstract: This US Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Sediment Management, technical note describes a geodatabase of federal coastal and inland navigation projects developed to determine the extent to which RSM goals have been implemented across the USACE at the project and district levels. The effort 1) quantified the volume of sediment dredged from federal navigation channels by both contract and USACE-owned dredges and 2) identified the placement type and whether sediment was placed beneficially. The majority of the dredging data used to populate the geodatabase were based on the USACE Dredging Information System DIS database, but when available, the geodatabase was expanded to include more detailed USACE district-specific data that were not included in the DIS database. Two datasets were developed in this study: the National Dataset and the District-Specific and Quality-Checked Dataset. The National Dataset is based on statistics extracted from the combined DIS Contract and Government Plant data. This database is a largely unedited database that combined two available USACE datasets. Due to varying degrees of data completeness in these two datasets, this study undertook a data refinement process to improve the information. This was done through interviews with the districts, literature search, and the inclusion of additional district-specific data provided by individual districts that often represent more detailed information on dredging activities. The District-Specific and Quality-Checked Database represents a customized database generated by this study. An interactive web-based tool was developed that accesses both datasets and displays them on a national map that can be viewed at the district or project scale