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Tag: Electronic information resources
  • National Sediment Placement Data Viewer Users Guide

    Purpose: This US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Sediment Management (RSM) technical note serves as a user’s guide for the RSM National Sediment Placement Data Viewer. This application was created utilizing over 20 yr* of detailed and verified USACE dredging data, giving users an interactive web-based tool that takes these datasets and displays them on a national map, viewable at the district or project scale. The Data Viewer will quantify the total cubic yards dredged, disposed, and/or beneficially used based on the user selected parameters. Detailed information on the datasets utilized and the verification processes followed to create this application can be found in ERDC/TN RSM-22-4, USACE Navigation Sediment Placement: An RSM Program Database (1998 – 2019) (Elko et al. 2022). This technical note attempts to define each of the inputs/outputs given from the Data Viewer and then provide a step-by-step example of utilizing the Data Viewer, accessed here: