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Tag: United States. Army. Corps of Engineers
  • ERDC R&D Strategy: Connecting the Dots to Innovation

    Abstract: The Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Board of Directors establishes the organization’s vision, mission, values and strategy. The strategy is determined by our vision and mission; it is guided by our values; and it is influenced by key national priorities and needs.
  • USACE Research and Development Strategy: Communication Products

    Abstract: This paper provides the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) communication products sent by LTG Scott A. Spellmon to help as we discuss the first USACE Research and Development Strategy. The USACE R&D Strategy was approved at the 1Q22 EGM in Atlanta, and is now ready for fielding, communicating, and implementing. The materials included here are (1) The USACE R&D Strategy, (2) USACE R&D Strategy Slide Deck, (3) USACE Top 10 R&D Priorities 2-pager; (4) USACE Top 10 R&D Priorities Placemat. The USACE R&D Strategy Slide Deck has several examples of R&D products and capabilities, aligned with the Top 10 R&D Priorities, for your use. Please add to these examples with your own, highlighting past R&D success stories as well as the need for future potential R&D.