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Tag: Concrete--Additives
  • Additive Regulated Concrete for Thermally Extreme Conditions

    Abstract: This study details a multiprong effort to validate the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory’s solution for concrete construction and repair in cold weather, Additive Regulated Concrete for Thermally Extreme Conditions (ARCTEC). ARCTEC is the product of several years of research and consists of a testing and simulation workflow which generates scenario-sensitive guidance for use of accelerating admixtures in concrete. This report details efforts to validate ARCTEC using real-world, full-scale, field demonstrations. These demonstrations were used to collect data on the behavior of concrete obtained through conventional supply chains, to assess the accuracy of the simulation component of the workflow, and test efficacy of ARCTEC guidance in achieving frost protection. Results indicate that ARCTEC is at a high level of maturity, and provides additive dosage guidance that ensures frost protection and strength development in concrete placed where overnight lows fall as low as 0°F. The effort and cost required to implement ARCTEC as a cold weather protection strategy is minimal, and significantly less burdensome than conventional methods. Any cold region installation with a winter construction or repair needs and access to conventional concrete supply chains could field ARCTEC, and reduce the cost and schedule constraints associated with winter construction.
  • Alternatives for Large Crater Repairs using Rapid Set Concrete Mix®

    Abstract: Research was conducted at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) in Vicksburg, MS, to identify alternative repair methods and materials for large crater repairs using Rapid Set Concrete Mix®. This report presents the technical evaluation of the field performance of full-depth slab replacement methods conducted using Rapid Set Concrete Mix® over varying strength foundations. The performance of each large crater repair was determined by using a load cart representing one-half of the full gear of a C-17 aircraft. Results indicate that using rapid-setting concrete is a viable material for large crater repairs, and the performance is dependent on surface thickness and base strength.