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Tag: Boundary layer (Meteorology)
  • A Physics-Informed Neural Network for Sound Propagation in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer

    Abstract: We describe what we believe is the first effort to develop a physics-informed neural network (PINN) to predict sound propagation through the atmospheric boundary layer. PINN is a recent innovation in the application of deep learning to simulate physics. The motivation is to combine the strengths of data-driven models and physics models, thereby producing a regularized surrogate model using less data than a purely data-driven model. In a PINN, the data-driven loss function is augmented with penalty terms for deviations from the underlying physics, e.g., a governing equation or a boundary condition. Training data are obtained from Crank-Nicholson solutions of the parabolic equation with homogeneous ground impedance and Monin-Obukhov similarity theory for the effective sound speed in the moving atmosphere. Training data are random samples from an ensemble of solutions for combinations of parameters governing the impedance and the effective sound speed. PINN output is processed to produce realizations of transmission loss that look much like the Crank-Nicholson solutions. We describe the framework for implementing PINN for outdoor sound, and we outline practical matters related to network architecture, the size of the training set, the physics-informed loss function, and challenge of managing the spatial complexity of the complex pressure.
  • Vertical and slanted sound propagation in the near-ground atmosphere: amplitude and phase fluctuations

    ABSTRACT: Sound propagation along vertical and slanted paths through the near-ground atmosphere impacts detection and localization of low-altitude sound sources, such as small unmanned aerial vehicles, from ground-based microphone arrays. This article experimentally investigates the amplitude and phase fluctuations of acoustic signals propagating along such paths. The experiment involved nine microphones on three horizontal booms mounted at different heights to a 135-m meteorological tower at the National Wind Technology Center (Boulder, CO). A ground-based loudspeaker was placed at the base of the tower for vertical propagation or 56 m from the base of the tower for slanted propagation. Phasor scatterplots qualitatively characterize the amplitude and phase fluctuations of the received signals during different meteorological regimes. The measurements are also compared to a theory describing the log-amplitude and phase variances based on the spectrum of shear and buoyancy driven turbulence near the ground. Generally, the theory correctly predicts the measured log-amplitude variances, which are affected primarily by small-scale, isotropic turbulent eddies. However, the theory overpredicts the measured phase variances, which are affected primarily by large-scale, anisotropic, buoyantly driven eddies. Ground blocking of these large eddies likely explains the overprediction.