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Tag: Concrete--Testing
  • Performance of Active Porcelain Enamel Coated Fibers for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: The Performance of Active Porcelain Enamel Coatings for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete and Fiber Tests at the University of Louisville

    Abstract: A patented active porcelain enamel coating improves both the bond between the concrete and steel reinforcement as well as its corrosion resistance. A Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program to develop a commercial method for production of porcelain-coated fibers was developed in 2015. Market potential of this technology with its steel/concrete bond improvements and corrosion protection suggests that it can compete with other fiber reinforcing systems, with improvements in performance, durability, and cost, especially as compared to smooth fibers incorporated into concrete slabs and beams. Preliminary testing in a Phase 1 SBIR investigation indicated that active ceramic coatings on small diameter wire significantly improved the bond between the wires and the concrete to the point that the wires achieved yield before pullout without affecting the strength of the wire. As part of an SBIR Phase 2 effort, the University of Louisville under contract for Ceramics, Composites and Coatings Inc., proposed an investigation to evaluate active enamel-coated steel fibers in typical concrete applications and in masonry grouts in both tension and compression. Evaluation of the effect of the incorporation of coated fibers into Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) was examined using flexural and compressive strength testing as well as through nanoindentation.