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Tag: Hydraulic structures--Maintenance and repair
  • Remote Monitoring of Cathodic Protection Systems on Navigable Waterways

    Abstract: Cathodic protection is one of the main modes of corrosion prevention for structures in navigable waterways. The rectifier output voltage must be in a specific range to provide effective protection against corrosion. This effort was designed to monitor, predict, and stabilize the efficacy of multiple cathodic protection systems. Copper/copper-sulfate half-cell electrode sensors, water quality sensors, and gauges for rectifier output were connected to modems at multiple locks so the data could be analyzed to create a predictive maintenance algorithm.
  • A Study of Phased-Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) for Detecting, Sizing, and Characterizing Flaws in the Welds of Existing Hydraulic Steel Structures (HSS)

    Abstract: Hydraulic steel structures (HSS) are components of navigation, flood control, and hydropower projects that control or regulate the flow of water. Damage accumulates in HSS as they are operated over time, and they must be inspected periodically. This is often accomplished using nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques. If damage is detected, the structure’s fitness for continued service must be evaluated, which requires information on the location and size of discontinuities. This information can be obtained using ultrasonic testing (UT) techniques. However, there is limited information on the reliability of UT techniques with respect to detecting, sizing, and characterizing flaws in HSS. This study addresses this gap. Round-robin experiments were carried out using phased-array ultrasonic testing (PAUT) to scan weld specimens representing a variety of HSS geometries. The results of the round-robin experiments were analyzed to estimate the probability of detection (POD) and to assess the influence of factors potentially affecting POD. Uncertainty in estimates of flaw length and height were described, and partial safety factors were derived for use in fitness-for-service analyses. These results demonstrate the importance of the technician as a factor influencing the reliability of NDT techniques applied to HSS.
  • Classical and Innovative Methods of Fatigue and Fracture Repairs in Navigation Steel Structures

    Abstract: Most of the hydraulic steel structures (HSS) in the U.S. have reached or have past their design life, which leads to unsatisfactory performance. Welded connections with low fatigue resistance, poor weld quality, unanticipated structural behavior, or unexpected loading due to the deterioration of the design boundary conditions are the causes of fatigue cracking. The purpose of this report is to identify and evaluate the traditional and new methods used for fatigue and fracture repairs in navigation steel structures to restore their load carrying capacity and fatigue and fracture resistance. The final objective was to generate a guidance report comprising of recommended and more efficient repair methods for the different fatigue limit states observed in navigation steel structures.