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Tag: Strains and stresses
  • High-Rate Characterization and Modeling of a Hyperelastic Block Copolymer Subjected to Ballistic Impact

    Abstract: A polystyrene-polyisobutylene-polystyrene star-block copolymer (PS-PIB-PS) is a thermoplastic elastomer with visco hyperelastic characteristics that displays a high level of toughness and performs well in shock attenuating applications. The research goal is to investigate experimentally and numerically the capacity of PS-PIB-PS to dissipate kinetic energy and examine its deformation and failure modes under impact by spherical steel projectiles at speed ranges of 200–1,700 m/s. First, PS-PIB-PS is characterized using a Split-Hopkinson Pressure Bar to measure high strain rate response and calibrate a hyperelastic material model. Second, ballistics tests are conducted on 12 in. × 12 in. PS-PIB-PS targets with various thicknesses to determine the ballistic limit and residual velocity (Vr) versus impact velocity (Vi) relationship. Finally, ALE3D is used to model the ballistic response and capture the extreme deformation observed during testing. During ballistic impact tests, significant deformation occurred on the backside of polymer targets, followed by perforation of the polymer, culminating with retraction and recovery of the polymer in a self-healing manner. Numerical simulations captured the deformation behavior during impact and predicted the Vr versus Vi response with high accuracy. This research provides a method of modeling hyperelastic materials subjected to ballistic impact and provides a better understanding of energy dissipation of these materials.
  • Hydraulic Load Definitions for Use in Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) Analysis, Including Probabilistic Load Characterization, of 10 Hydraulic Steel Structures: Report Number 1

    Abstract: In the past, allowable stress design (ASD) was used to design steel structures. The allowable stresses used were determined from previous practice, with limited understanding of the reliability and risk performance provided by the structure. Engineering methods based on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) provide more accurate lifetime models of structures by providing risk-based load factors. Besides improved safety, cost savings can be provided through improved performance and, in some cases, by delaying rehabilitation. This research project develops LRFD-based engineering procedures for the evaluation and design of hydraulic steel structures (HSS). Hydraulic loads are a key element to the LRFD analysis. This report identifies the primary hydraulic loads and describes procedures that can be used to determine these hydraulic loads. Existing design guidance for HSS is described and presented in the individual chapters. The appendixes to the report provide examples of the procedures used to compute the hydrostatic, wave, and hydrodynamic loads. A new approach for determining wind-induced wave loads was developed. Design guidance for computing the hydrodynamic load was limited for many of the HSS. Additional research is recommended to improve capabilities for computing hydraulic loads. Details on these recommendations can be found in this report.
  • Dynamic Material Properties of Grade 50 Steel: Effects of High Strain Rates on ASTM A992 and A572 Grade 50 Steels

    Abstract: Uniaxial tensile tests were conducted on American Society for Testing Materials International (ASTM) A992 and A572 Grade 50 steels at increasing strain rates to determine the material strength properties of structural members subjected to dynamic loadings. The increase in dynamic yield strength and ultimate tensile strength was determined to update design criteria within UFC 3-340-02, which are currently limited to ASTM A36 and A514 steels. The proposed updates will provide the necessary information required to design blast-resistant structures utilizing modern-day structural steels. The dynamic material properties determined by high-rate tensile tests were compared to static values obtained from ASTM E8 standard tensile tests. The comparisons were used to calculate dynamic increase factors (DIFs) for each steel at strain rates from 2E-3 to 2E0 inch/inch/second. The experiments revealed that the A992 steel exhibited an increase in yield strength up to 45% and ultimate tensile strength up to 20% as strain rate increased over the range tested. The A572-50 steel exhibited a similar increase in yield strength up to 35% and ultimate tensile strength up to 20%. The DIF design curves developed during this research will allow engineers to more efficiently design structural steel components of hardened structures for the protection of our nation’s critical infrastructure.
  • Laboratory characterization of Cor-Tuf Baseline and UHPC-S

    Abstract: This experimental effort is part of a larger program entitled Development of Ultra-High-Performance Concrete Tools and Design Guidelines. This program operates in accordance with an agreement concerning combating terrorism research and development between the United States of America Department of Defense and the Republic of Singapore Ministry of Defence. The objective of the program is to develop a better understanding of the potential benefits that may be achieved from the application of ultra-high-performance concrete (UHPC) materials for protective structures. The specific effort detailed in this report will provide insight into laboratory-scale mechanical properties of Cor-Tuf and a proprietary material termed UHPC-Singapore (UHPC-S).