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Tag: ERDC/CERL TR-21-3
  • Demonstration of Acoustic Sensing Techniques for Fuel-Distribution System Condition Monitoring: Final Report on Project F07-AR07

    Abstract: Leaks in fuel storage tanks and distribution piping systems have been identified as a mission-critical problem by the Department of Defense and the U.S. Army. Fuel system leaks are often hard to locate and virtually inaccessible for efficient repair because the piping is often installed under a concrete pad or tarmac. Leak repair could cost up to $2,000, and the cost of cleanup and remediation for fuel spills can exceed $50,000. In this project an acoustic remote sensing system was installed to monitor an Army heliport refueling system to determine whether it could detect and accurately locate fuel leaks using computer software technologies to distinguish acoustic leakage signatures from normal fuel system operational noise.