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Tag: Structural analysis (Engineering)
  • Stability Analysis of Old River Low Sill Structure

    Abstract: An updated stability analysis was performed on the Old River Low Sill Structure due to a change in the operating conditions from historic river sedimentation. Sedimentation of the Mississippi River channel since the 1973 spring flood has caused higher river stages at lower discharges. Numerical methods used included nonlinear analysis of pile group stability, seepage analyses, and limit equilibrium methods. The structure’s foundation was compromised during the 1973 flood, and emergency repairs were conducted to prevent scouring and undermining of the foundation by the flood scour. Rehabilitation included the reconstruction of a failed wing wall on the left abutment, rock and riprap fill in the forebay channel, and emergency grouting to fill the scour hole beneath the structure. An operating restriction was emplaced to limit the differential head across the structure due to flood damage. Taking these conditions into account, results from an updated analysis showed that full headwater uplift caused increased tension in the piles, while the increased body load caused increased compressive loads in the piles. Review of piezometric monitoring and the seepage analyses showed that full headwater uplift is unlikely, indicating the foundation grouting adequately sealed the scour hole beneath the structure. Analysis results exhibited lower magnitude compression and tension loads in the piles with design load cases compared to previous analyses. Recommendations from these analyses indicate that increased monitoring and additional investigation may support increasing the differential head limitation.
  • Finite element analysis of quoin block deterioration and load transfer mechanisms in miter gates: pintle and pintle connections

    Abstract: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) currently operates and maintains approximately 193 commercially active lock sites with 239 locks and dams spanning nearly 12,000 miles. These networks of water channels are used to transport 600 million tons of domestic cargo, generating $405 billion in revenue annually. Nearly 60% of these structures in operation are over 50 years old and have reached design life. A failure of the miter gates could result in a major negative impact on the economy and on the ability to maintain flood control. Administrators need recommendations to better prioritize maintenance and repair of the USACE miter gates. This work investigated the influence of miter gate’s quoin block degradation on load transfer to the pintle and/or pintle connections. Results of finite element analysis are reported for the quoin block degradation simulated levels of 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75%. The parametric study shows the overstressed regions are the pintle neck and bolt-hole regions. To improve pintle designs so they may better mitigate detrimental environmental based deterioration effects, this work recommends (1) increasing the thickness of the bolt-hole connection region and (2) adding ribbing reinforcement around the neck area of the pintle.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Improved Ribbon Bridge Structural Response Validation Testing

    Abstract: vehicles and trucks up to Military Load Capacity 96. The Bridge Supplemental Set (BSS) includes Bridge Erection Boats and an anchorage system to allow for the positioning and securing of the bridge in moving water. Designed to function as either a floating bridge or a raft, the IRB and BSS give military commanders multiple options with regards to the tactical river crossings. The US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) was contracted by Product Manager Bridging to provide a structural analysis via high-fidelity numerical modeling of various IRB spans and water flow rates. To this end, a finite element model (FEM) of the IRB was constructed using field measurements of IRB interior bays. To ensure accurate structural response characteristics of the FEM and to build confidence in the simulation results, a validation test series was devised to generate empirical data to correlate against. This report documents the IRB structural response validation testing conducted at ERDC in March 2018. The data contained in this report was used to validate the IRB structural FEM.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Structural Analysis of an Improved Ribbon Bridge Subjected to Hydrodynamic and Vehicular Loading

    Abstract: Structural modeling and simulations were performed to determine limit states of an Improved Ribbon Bridge (IRB) subjected to hydraulic and vehicle loadings. Measurements of as-built IRB bays were used to construct a three-dimensional, computer-aided design model. The model was used to create a computational finite element model (FEM) that was validated through correlations of simulation results and empirical data. The validated FEM was used to establish limit states (i.e., maximum current and vehicular loading conditions for 110 and 210 m IRB crossings). Analyses revealed that the primary structural failure mode was yielding in the steel pins that link IRB bays. Assuming the IRB is adequately restrained at the shores, a 110 m IRB can withstand currents up to 11 ft/s with no vehicle traffic; a 210 m IRB can endure up to 7 ft/s under the same conditions. For risk crossings, one Military Load Classification-70 vehicle on the bridge, 110 and 210 m IRBs can tolerate currents up to 9 and 7 ft/s, respectively. Under normal crossing conditions vehicle spaced 100 ft apart, a 110 m IRB has the structural capacity to endure currents up to 9 ft/s; the maximum current for a 210 m IRB is 5 ft/s.