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Tag: Particle size determination
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Characterization of eroded mud aggregates with the Flume Imaging Camera System (FICS) and its added value to sediment management projects

    Abstract: The goal of this technical note (TN) is to describe the functionality and added research value of the Flume Imaging Camera System (FICS), a US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)-developed system designed to measure the size of sediment particles immediately following erosion.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Sediment Sorting by Hopper Dredging and Pump-Out Operations: Conceptual Model and Literature Review

    Abstract: Dredged sediment placed on beaches or nearshore environments is customarily evaluated for compatibility with the native beach sediment to avoid unintended impacts to economic, environmental, or recreational resources. Consequently, some state regulatory authorities establish limits upon the fine-grained content for sediment designated for placement on certain beaches and nearshore environments. Hopper dredging operations for beach and nearshore placement typically include periods of overflow, which is recognized to produce some degree of separation between the size fractions of the dredged sediment. The degree of separation and the controlling factors of separation are presently poorly known and are the subject of this research. This report provides a conceptual model of the hopper dredging and placement processes, including the relevant processes associated with hopper dredge-associated sediment dynamics, generation and transport of the overflow sediment plume, and sediment winnowing at the beach outflow. Prior research is described, and knowledge gaps are identified. Finally, a research plan to validate prior research and to address knowledge gaps is presented. An annotated bibliography of relevant literature is given in an appendix. Documentation of the planned research presented herein will appear in future publications associated with this study.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Technical Feasibility of Creating a Beach Grain Size Database with Citizen Scientists

    ABSTRACT:  The goal of this Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) is to investigate the feasibility of collecting beach grain size information with images collected by citizen scientists to build a globally accessible database. Engaging citizen scientists in scientific information collection through crowdsourcing has become a more popular and cost-effective way to collect large amounts of data while increasing interest in the research through public engagement (Irwin 2018). Citizen scientists equipped with their personal smartphones allow for very large datasets to be collected that would otherwise be financially or logistically impossible. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to educate and engage the general public.