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Tag: Radar--Evaluation
  • Coherent Marine X-Band Radar Deployment during DUNEX

    Abstract: A marine X-band radar system, developed by Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon (Hereon) was deployed within view of the nearshore at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Field Research Facility (FRF), in Duck, North Carolina, from October 2021 to August 2022. The radar deployment was a collaboration among researchers at the FRF, Hereon, and the University of Miami and was initiated as part of the During Nearshore Event Experiment (DUNEX), a large multi-institutional field experiment funded by the US Coastal Research Program. The Hereon radar successfully collected data during the main DUNEX field campaign (approximately October 2021) and continued to collect nearly continuously until August 2022. To facilitate use of Hereon radar data, this document describes the deployment, provides background and context, and presents metadata. Within, we describe in detail the Hereon radar system, the locations of two different installations, the time periods covered, sampling modes, environmental conditions and notable events, example data products, and potential pathways for future use of the data.
  • Evaluation of the Version 1 Advanced Tactical Awareness Kit–Expeditionary Radar (ATAK-ER V1) for Accuracy and Reliability in Surf-Zone Characterization in a Range of Environmental Conditions

    Abstract: This Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note (CHETN) presents the evaluation of a rapidly deployable radar and associated software for characterizing surf-zone waves, currents, and bathymetries at the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), Field Research Facility (FRF), in Duck, North Carolina. This project was conducted at the request of the US Marine Corps (USMC) Warfighting Laboratory. The Version 1 Advanced Tactical Awareness Kit–Radar Expeditionary (ATAK-ER V1) system was deployed 15 times between July and August 2023 to observe a range of wave, water level, and wind conditions that could each affect radar processing. Products from the system were then compared to the FRF’s continuously operating in situ instruments and monthly bathymetric surveys to quantify the accuracy and reliability of the output. A number of issues with the unit are identified, including potential error sources contributing to inaccuracies, but the black-box nature of the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) unit prevents a confident understanding of why wave heights are underpredicted (by 65% on average), why bathymetries consistently have root-mean-square errors (RMSE) over 1 m with progressively greater errors with distance offshore, or why some collections are unable to generate all of the advertised products. This Version 1 COTS unit is not recommended for operational use at this time.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Investigation into Laboratory Bathymetric Measurement Techniques

    ABSTRACT: There is no universally accepted way to accurately and efficiently measure bathymetry in laboratory hydraulic models. Remote sensing techniques can measure bathymetry without making contact with the model, and some remote sensing techniques can measure the bathymetry in laboratory models without draining the water. The four categories of remote sensing technology investigated in this report are echo sounding technology, laser technology, image processing technology, and radar technology. The technology of each category has strengths and limitations, but can be used in the laboratory to measure bathymetry. Echo sounding technology works well in environments with suspended sediment, but the accuracy is reduced by large beam footprints. Laser technology does not perform as well with suspended sediment but can provide high-accuracy bathymetric measurements. Stereophotography, discussed in the image processing technology section, requires optically clear water and can provide very accurate bathymetric mapping. Radar technology can be very helpful when sub-bottom stratigraphy is important. Technology from each of the categories has been scaled for field application to measure bathymetry and submerged coastal structures.