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Tag: Chippewa River (Wis.)
  • Development of a Two-Dimensional HEC-RAS Sediment Model for the Chippewa River, Wisconsin, for Software Development and Sediment Trend Analysis

    Abstract: This US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Sediment Management technical note (RSM-TN) describes an RSM effort that converted a one-dimensional (1D) sediment transport model of the Chippewa River confluence with the Mississippi River into a two-dimensional (2D) model. This work leveraged recent sediment data collection and tested the new 2D sediment transport capabilities in the Hydrologic Engineering Center, River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) Version 6.0. In addition to the benefits of software testing, the resulting model developed through this effort can provide more accurate spatial and temporal information about sedimentation in the Mississippi River navigation channel and help inform future dredging strategies for the St. Paul District, USACE.
  • Development of a HEC-RAS Sediment Model for the Chippewa River, Wisconsin for Use in Predicting Future Dredging Activities

    Purpose: This U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Regional Sediment Management Technical Note (RSM-TN) describes the process of constructing and calibrating a sediment model that utilizes recent sediment data collection efforts performed by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center – Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (ERDC-CHL) and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) along the Chippewa River in Wisconsin. A USACE Institute for Water Resources (IWR), Hydrologic Engineering Center, River Analysis System (HEC-RAS, version 5.0.7) unsteady flow sediment model was developed to perform a continuous simulation of bed-load and suspended load transport and dredging operations through the Chippewa River and Lower Pool 4 of the Upper Mississippi River navigation channel. The resulting model developed through this effort can be useful in forecasting future channel maintenance needs through this reach of river.
  • PUBLICATION NOTICE: Bed-Load Transport Measurements on the Chippewa River Using the ISSDOTv2 Method

    PURPOSE: This Regional Sediment Management (RSM) Technical Note (TN) provides information on bed-load measurements obtained on the Chippewa River, Wisconsin, in the spring of 2018. The ISSDOTv2 method was developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineering Research and Development Center (ERDC), Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), River and Estuarine Engineering Branch. The method uses time-sequenced bathymetric data to determine a bed-load transport rate. When transport rates are obtained with concurrent flow-rate data, it is possible to develop bed-load rating curves. Such rating curves are extremely valuable in forecasting or hindcasting bed-load sediment delivery for the location at which the data were obtained. This is very important for river managers in developing sediment budgets and in the planning of dredging operations.  In the present study, the USACE Mississippi Valley Division (MVD), St. Paul District (MVP), had contracted with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for real-time monitoring of suspended-sediment concentrations (suspended sand load and bed-load sediment) on the lower Chippewa River, a major source and contributor of sand-sized sediment to the Upper Mississippi River (UMR). The bed-load values obtained using ISSDOTv2 are presented in this RSM TN.