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A Definition and Categorization System for Advanced Materials: The Foundation for Risk-Informed Environmental Health and Safety Testing

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Sept. 3, 2021


This article was originally published online in Risk Analysis on 25 March 2019. This work was funded by the Army Environmental Quality and Installations Research Program, “Military Materials in the Environment.” NanoSafe, Inc. assisted in administering the web-based validation survey under U.S. Army Research Office contract W91NF-14-2-0090.

Report Number: ERDC MP-21-12

Title: A Definition and Categorization System for Advanced Materials: The Foundation for Risk-Informed Environmental Health and Safety Testing

By: Alan Kennedy, Jonathon Brame, Taylor Rycroft, Matthew Wood, Valerie Zemba,  Charles Weiss Jr., Matthew Hull, Cary Hill, Charles Geraci, and Igor Linkov

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

August 2021

19 pages / 790.22 kB

ERDC Library

Release no. 22-155