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The Behaviour of Near-Surface Soils Through Ultrasonic Near-Surface Inundation Testing

US Army Engineer Research and Development Center
Published Sept. 7, 2021


This article was originally published online in Near Surface Geophysics on 24 April 2019.This research was funded through the Assistant Secretary of the Army, Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASAALT) Project 61102/T22/01

Report Number: ERDC/GSL MP-21-4

Title: The Behaviour of Near-Surface Soils Through Ultrasonic Near-Surface Inundation Testing

By: Oliver-Denzil S. Taylor, Amy L. Cunningham, Robert E. Walker, Mihan H. McKenna, Kathryn E. Martin, and Pamela G. Kinnebrew

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.

August 2021

19 pages / 1.7 Mb

ERDC Library

Release no. 22-152